Upvoted. This shit is unfortunately very possible in every western country. I know it's strange to see this in Spain in 2017, but if it happens in Spain, it can very well happen in Italy, Germany, England or Sweden.
I mean, violence IS the last resort for governments. They WILL use it. They are in power because they want to be in power. People with lust for power. It's as simple as that. Authoritarian people are the sort of people who seeks power in government jobs, on almost every level. Sure there are some good people too, but a lot of the time there are pretty bad people.
And when that power is threatened on the highest level, like in Spain today..it means violence. Governments can make you paranoid, they can use threat and the can use violence. And they justify it, because we have allowed them to have the exclusive right to use violence.
I'm also concerned about robocops and even robot lawyers etc. Some robot who you cannot reason with. No slack, no second opinion. That's why governments are scary. I don't think the concept of governments is compatible with the future that we want. We want technology, but we should have freedom, not authoritarianism.
I just wish all anarchists and freedomlovers would unite. That we could rally around the concept of voluntarism. That every man should be allowed to chose what sort of society he wants. And that no one can force him to join any society.
I know thats a lot to hope for..but as long as they keep us fighting each other, I don't think we can win.
Well said. Today, individual government enforces still pick up their batons and swing them. If we can reach those enforcers and get them to change their minds about authority, there's still hope. What encourages me is the way the world is responding to this. Instead of "Well, yeah, that's just how governments are. Better not stick your head up to high or it will get lopped off." we're seeing outrage. We're seeing people get really mad about this.
In a way, we're seeing the man behind the curtain exposed as not being a great wizard after all.
Yep. Something is changing in people, that's for sure. :)