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RE: Authoritarianism as Security Blanket

in #anarchy8 years ago (edited)

//I'm game for any questions you got, feel free to butt into nearly any post of mine as most of them will be on this subject.//

How old are you Angel? I ask because anyone who drops an opinion on a post that is already public, while dissing the position of others in an open forum, and then insinuates someone is 'butting in' to conversations when they rebuttal can't be that mature. If you don't want people to show how silly your ideas are, than don't go and diss their ideas in front of everyone.

Moving on, I'm responding to a combination of things you've said throughout this thread, such as this:

//If you get everything you need handed to you for free, wouldn't you feel like a bum if you sat around playing video games all day?
There is plenty of work to be done, and under my proposal NOBODY has an excuse not to contribute, and every incentive.//

No! People only need their own incentive to 'produce'. Nobody is going to say "hey guys, let's get out there and make a difference because there's things that need to get done in this world". But they will become productive when their lives have been 'forced' and 'compelled' to do so by the laws of nature individually. We'll come back to being 'forced' and 'compelled' and when these are actually a good thing here momentarily.

"Individually" That's a big and important concept, because it's where freedom is found by default of a state of nature, and it is where it will always reside, within the individual and never in 'groups'. And it is proven in that any man or woman experiencing that natural state of freedom they were born entitled to (but have been ripped off of in our age) does not walk around looking for the permission of others to survive or produce a thing that is beneficial to their own lives, or that can be used to trade in order to acquire more things beneficial to themselves. Hence 'capitalism' is the true, original, and only state of nature or 'Anarchy'.

There is a government with system of laws and order that Anarchists do believe in and desire. Only they are not the imposter version of these man-made institutions, but rather the laws, order, and government that have already been set up and established by nature. And, there is a form of 'force' and 'compulsion' that are not bad when being performed by nature, and these essentially declare that 'responsibility is the price of freedom', and so experiencing the gift of self-government implies self-ownership meaning, 'if you're not willing to provide for yourself you'll more than likely go hungry, as it's morally wrong to expect in any way that other human beings are required to provide for you'. (which are either direct or indirect slavery with this last one also being a more 'hidden' form of slavery)

You don't have to worry about 'corporations' as they will more than likely evaporate for several reasons which I'll be extremely quick on for now. (But let me know if you'd like to expand my arguments)

First, there's no government and hence 'central banks' that makes it possible for these 'large corporations' to come into existence in the first place, while also being subsidized on the fraudulent debt based 'future credit' of what the people are willing to produce. (Because these are 'bailed out' either directly or indirectly through a complex and intricate system often involving inflation that conceals the fact that these involuntary 'subsidizations' have been made possible on our backs by this fraudulent behaviors and existence of central banks)

Secondly, with everyone free to 'enter the market' anyone can compete and more than likely people are going to trade with those who are they know for any product or service, since it will be their reputations they've learned to trust and that have proven themselves.

What do I mean? Companies like 'Harley Davidson' more than likely won't be around because if you desire a motorcycle to be built for your life, you're more than likely going to go to that person in your town who has earned his or her reputation as providing something of quality and fair pricing for years, as this is fitting to another Universal Law (very similar to the one that demands you to practice any trade before becoming efficient at it) which dictates within the market (we've yet to experience) that you must be willing to 'put in time', 'earn your reputation', and 'prove yourself' in order to experience success. Thus this system naturally 'ties' and 'binds' people to the things they do, ensuring that they perform these things with as much quality and care as possible. Another reasons the 'big corporations' are going to go away, as it will be exceptionally hard to compete (using real capital and no longer subsidized) with those that people know personally in their localities and already trust! (Not to mention the endless possibilities and 'uniqueness' of designs as opposed to corporate 'cookie cut' machines)

There is already a natural order that's been put in place and waiting for mankind to access it. Now if the governments of men exist, than 'capitalism' is a bad mix, but so are things like communism and any form of man-made government since the 'political state' is inherently evil to begin with. However when the governments of men are taken out of the equation, than 'capitalism' is actually a good thing that empowers humanity, and this 'natural order' of the market does not need your help in any way. All you have to do is choose if you wish to partake in it or not! If not, just live off your own land and produce your own forms of sustenance. The evils of 'not being able to pay your light bills' are already gone simply by removal of the political state. Not to mention what has 'broken' us and placed us into the shackles of economic enslavement are not from a system of real capitalism anyways, as I mentioned in my previous address to you.

People are born with different gifts and desires, and they will find their own incentive to produce and partake of those things they naturally have an inclination for. For instance the fields of 'Medical' are just one of infinite possibilities proving that people are born with unique gifts and desires. But thinking that you can first take production away from them ("we'll take over the corporations" as you said) and then 'hope' they're going to say "well guys, there's a lot that needs to be done in this world, so come on lets get out there and work" is just silly, wishful thinking! They won't be 'sitting around playing video games all day' not because they're 'on board' with your notions, but because the laws of nature have already established that if they are not willing to provide for their own lives, they're going to go hungry. And these 'laws of nature' that 'force' and 'compel' mankind into staying productive do not need your help.

I brought up 'rent' because you brought up not being able to pay for a light bulb by the way. But people will more than likely find alternative ways to sustain energy, and then they can 'choose' to use their 'real capital' to trade for additional services if they desire (like internet etc) But the beauty of this 'system' is that the 'power of freedom' is always left where it was found (with the individual) to 'choose' to do with that which their lives have created and produced and participate and exchange however they want. There cannot be a truer, purer, and more ultimate form of 'Voluntaryism' than that. (And of course we know that 'Voluntarysim' still respects the rights of people to live in voluntary communes if they so desire, since nobody has right to say 'you can't do that' to them)

Forgive me for sounding a bit 'sharp' here, but I get tired of hearing An-Coms insinuating with such arrogance that 'An-Caps' aren't the 'real deal Anarchists'. For where are the 'groups of men' when two people desire to produce and trade with one another, and in a way that is satisfying to each participating party? You cannot get any more 'Anarchy' than that!

Get 'the governments of men' (the political state) out of the way, and you will not have to worry about 'greed', as the Market will sort out many problems while continuously 'balancing', 'regulating', 'refreshing', and 'redistributing' economic power all over the place and for all humanity itself, and without the need and interference of 'wishful thinking ideas' that require some kind of 'spontaneous' yet 'unanimous' effort attempting to direct the otherwise already natural activities of men.

A society that is 'spontaneous' is great and in any general sense it's the kind of 'society' we want as it's brought about naturally and through a 'collective effort' that derives from the 'spontaneous' creativity and production of every individual who chooses to participate in it and of their own volition. But 'unanimous spontaneity' (organized and directed by men) is an impossibility, and the reason your entire approach is not only impractical, but already so far beyond anything necessary since the Market has already been established with the capabilities of solving these problems itself. All that is necessary is to get mankind's attempts to 'organize' and 'control' these things out of the way, and allow the laws of nature, the Market, and mankind to do what they already know how to do, and the rest will take care of itself. That is the true state of nature and freedom! That is Anarchy!