Backwordz: Modern Anarchist "NuMetalish" Artists

in #anarchy8 years ago

Found a post of theirs floating on Facebook and decided to look into it. I don't know how much I trust that they aren't just using anarchism as a gimmick with no real faith behind it, but I have to admit I like the music on its own, the lyrics and idea behind it are icing.

So check them out and decide for yourself:

Their youtube channel:


@ericdjuly is here with us on Steemit, and they'll be performing down at #Anarchapulco this winter :-)

Eric July is the real deal, as far as the anarchism is concerned. He has been on Liberty Hangout doing debates with minarchists/statists. He even did an interview on Fox & Friends.

Eric is passionate and does not shy away from voicing his opinion. He also doesn't blow smoke. He calls it like it is and doesn't mince words. I am glad you were able to find them by accident and hope you look more into their music and follow Eric on FB to see some of his other stuff.

Cool. Thanks.