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RE: Anarchy is Coming Soon; Is Now!

in #anarchy8 years ago

Absolutely on the nail. Anarchy is the natural state. That doesn't disappear when man exerts control. We can upset balance and create a fascimile of a controlled world in which natural order has no power, but the truth is that the natural state persists beneath the surface always working its way back to the top.
Take a sidewalk. I love sidewalks. I love to look at them as I walk down a street. Why? They remind me of the truth of reality. When I see that weed that found a crack in the concrete and manages to survive and even thrive being trampled on, choked with smog, having little soil and even being cut over and over, I am reminded that no matter how hard they try, the state can NEVER, NEVER, NEVER destroy the natural order of self-ownership. They can cover it up. They can deny it. They can restrict and attack it. But it will come back, again and again. One day, that weed will win. It will pollinate and it will seed other cracks. It will proliferate and, one day, the roots deep under the surface of the state will cause the state to crack and cumble away.
Excellent write up.
Also, thank you, I will likely be editing this comment into my own post.


Great comment, and thank you very much.
Good to know like minds are out there!