The Mandela Effect Explained by The Collective Mind

in #anarchy8 years ago

We have turned our temples ( body ) into Storefronts, our cultural heritage has become our advertisement and marketing and our very core reason for existing is the product up for sell ( the soul/Human conscience). At some point in time during our very own timeline in human history we had a parallel world collapse on-top of ours. In other words and in some sorts the Mandela Effect. We all know of the Mandela Effect and if you do not I suggest researching it on your own, but in short the The Collective Mind has an answer to the Mandela Effect. Before you continue to read just remember the basic fundamentals of human behavior and interaction dates back before the age of intelligence. If you wish to skip to the core answer its at the bottom of the blog.

Since very young ages we have been subject to false and subliminal advertisement, anyone in a major industry where selling to consumers is the prime objective to grow capital gain can agree to this method. Their is a science behind Logo Design,color,jingles and theme songs, sounds,light sequences,high frequency sounds through the music we listen to and etc that all communicate with our Sub conscience without our conscience mind being aware, because at the same time our eyes are being over stimulated with useless information and scare tactics. Most Human Beings are subject to Subliminal messages before they are even aware that the problems is around. Which raises the question. How do you know that you are who you want to be? Most of us as kids wanted to be; Doctors,Police,Firemen,Dentist,Archaeologist,Lawyers,President things of that nature. And if you ask us why, it will be because, its what we were told was a good thing to become to help the world around us. Because at the core a human can be a all those things to themselves and others with proper training without the guiding hand of the government, because after its all said and done, what real % of us actually become Doctors?Police Officers?President? And for those of us who do, are you still upholding the same philosophy as you did when you were a child?

With that out of the way lets us explain the Mandela Effect.

This is a man made event, you can actively research now how people say that logos from their past are changing and in some cases mass amounts of people remember names of products changing, but their is also evidence that supports both claims. The Mandela Effect is a time in Human History where man and woman were relying too much on what they saw thus living in two existing worlds parallel to each other. (Personal Life Vs Work Life)

How is this possible? Simple.


Food Consumption

Cultural disruption


Most of us inhabit two worlds, our own personal space where we know whom we are for better or worse and a world where we put on a mask for those around us. It was cemented into our sub conscience during the Age of Reality Television. During this time we were invited into the personal lives of more popular and wealthy (while the mass population was in poverty) humans, seeing all their glory and dirt and we just accepted it and looked at these popular humans as Icons, but no one realized that even Reality T.V. was staged until it was already deep within our sub conscience.

Now with all the complicated angles and crossovers out of the way, here is the simple version:

Social Media, News, and Entertainment which is run by a handful of Major Corporations who work hand in hand with governments have been showing us Brands,Color schemes,Logos. Showing us Commercial after commercial and playing us different frequencies of sounds all the while taking out history and information and distorting it.

Approximately 100 years ago is when this came to be, companies started to understand that the human brain reacts to certain things when presented in a certain manner, so they spent BILLIONS of our money on scientist to research us so that they could find out the best way to sell to us and then the government got involved by making deals with Wealthy bankers and business owners to push a certain kind of subliminal messaging. That is the Pre Stage

The Current stage we are in, we clearly see logo's and names of authors and other subtle hints being changed and rearranged and in return after so many years of being used to seeing those brands and logos your mind which has been conditioned for YEARS through PUBLIC and PRIVATE schooling systems thought up and created by the government cannot understand whats happening. Thus creating the Mandela Effect, Some humans have great memory and evidence to support some changes while others whom may not have good memory think that the after logo is the true logo. Where the Mandela Effect takes hold on the brain is when 1 human being who has known another human being ask the question: Hey..? Wasn't it spelled this way? 6/10 times the friend will say no, it was the after logo way ( and vice versa ) depending on whom ask the question. This creates a mental rift in time where our brain questions EVERYTHING associated in our past life with that logo or brand name, and since companies have paid BILLIONS to subliminal message to us with the help of scientist, we then question our very past like we don't know who we are and what we saw. When in REALITY most of these companies have subtlety just changed their logos without telling us over time. ( this is due to the government asking them to subtly do this. Most companies when they change a look or make some change they make a point to let us know for a sales tactic, so its a simple -counter tactic to mislead us by doing the logo changing action and not tell us because WE THINK we are entitled to know everything. WE are not. 

There is no parallel world there is just a parallel you.  Where you are opposed to where you want to be and so on. So instead of asking if the Logo or name was changed just because the internet says so, agree to disagree that no matter what a version of that said thing existed and it can hold multiple names and identities deciding on what the company suggest ( ie: Fruit Loops and Froot Loops )

The idea of Fruit/Froot loops shouldn't matter, what should always remain important is the memory you had while eating Fruit/Fruit loops. Because in theory if you forget the things that you grew up with..You forget who you are at the core and what makes you..You..

And you make us and We make

~ the Collective Mind.

Sorry for the Errors as usual, WE are human.

As Always Comments and concerns.


This mandella effect seems like a hack of reality in order to deceive the collective mind more than an individual error in memory or focus? Could it be an evolution of reality and truth a lie we tell our selves is not really happening to allow us to see the cloudy truth of what is really going on which is what we all are desperately seeking even by the smallest effort and manner? If our single memory of a given thing is brought into question then the entire collective memory may be effected which may be the representation of our own alter ego's as well as the collective alter ego of all reality experience?

I agree with that view point it holds merit in more than a few aspects, but overall I think we are being tricked into thinking our past life ( Child years ) are in some way different than what we believe them to be, thus creating conflict in our minds on what we perceive to be reality. Because if what you believe to be real can come into question, you and your entirety can now be in question. Like I've said before, Fruit/Froot Loops the brand name and logo do not matter, what matters is that we remember the memories surrounding those brands we grew up with. A Company is subject to change Logo and marketing tactics and not tell us as a whole. Thus we should be prepared to make changes to our own past to fit the current reality. So if Fruit Loops is now Froot Loops, I still remember eating "cereal" and watching Saturday morning cartoons with my friends. I know and recognize whom was there and the events taking place, and I recognize that Fruit Loops could have come to be Froot Loops over a period of time without my prior consent, but that will not change the events surrounding the brands.

I agree and add that time or the past is merely an invention of the mind, as are dreams and some say reality itself? but as for memory it is no fantasy. it is the record of you. it is the truth that without it I am not sure where we would be? or who and what we really are? and so it is up to you to trust yourself without a doubt I know I ate only fruit loops and that life is like a box of chocolates you never know what your gonna get until you remember who you are which is infinite experiences?

I can see we will have good conversation in the future and I look forward to it.