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RE: When Anarchists Aren't Really Anarchists: Understanding the AnCom World View

in #anarchy7 years ago

An excellent article; thank you.

My only quibble is with this part:

"They will eventually come around, after they realize no one else wants to buy things from them or work for them anymore."

And if they don't, they will be outcast from society. That's the price you pay for opting out of the voluntary system.

Well then, it's not voluntary, is it?

If "outcast" simply means widely boycotted and ostracised – i.e., "no one else wants to buy things from them or work for them anymore" – then isn't that simply the communists exercising their freedom of association? No one has a right to sell to unwilling buyers, or to hire unwilling employees, even if their victims are communists.

Does this amount to the communists punishing people for noncompliance? I'd argue no: technically, they're rewarding people for compliance. I'm no worse off for them doing this than if they simply didn't exist. I can ignore them completely and they won't interfere.

So this particular form of "enforcement" is actually compatible with the voluntaryist criterion.