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RE: Capitalism Isn't About Exploitation

in #anarchy9 years ago

People find it hard to under stand the open market system. Forcing things yields horrible results as Obama Care has more and more insurers are pulling out. The capitalist system is about making everything cheap and better with innovation......if you build a better mouse will sell. Liberal Progressives, just don't understand that, bc most of them don't actually make anything. I think a lot of the thinking coming out of today's youth has to do with SHOP CLASS being pulled from want to buy..they don't want to make and create..and that is a big part of what will keep our economy stagnant.


Outside US free healthcare is a thing, in Spain for example if you get ill you can get a free diagnostic and treatment if it is a severe illness (cancer, prosthesis, etc.). Here people is happy with our healthcare, you get healed for free and it is paid with the taxes we all pay.

Of course we also have private healthcare but people prefer public one (because you need to pass a lot of tests to enter there and only the most qualifies people enter and because it is free).