Good article but I think one of the biggest problems we face is that it seems most people need to be told what to do. They require an authority figure who tells them exactly what to think. Most just accept authority whether they agree with it or not. The rest select which authority they follow based on their own prejudices. Ensuring that almost every revolution that overthrows a tyrannical regime becomes equally tyrannical over time as they take over making the decisions for everyone. It becomes even more complicated when religion is introduced into the political arena. Then twisted further by the irrefutable fact that humans are hierarchical and need to feel better than, and look down on, others with different lifestyles and beliefs. People come together to overthrow an evil regime and then fragment into different mutually hostile groups. The most vicious of these will always fight their way into power. The cycle repeats as it has always done and perhaps always will. Humans, it seems, need to belong to something bigger than themselves but only because they believe it makes them superior to others.