Focus on brand and products is a WIP and probably will be for a little while, but I'm feeling really good about the direction I'm going now. Things are becoming much more clear and well defined which is really helpful to me. I really want to nail this part of the business before I start putting out some of the material I'm working on because it will be easier and more effective for me to create stuff while staying on point.
This is all such a roller coaster and right now I feel like I'm slowly clicking my way up the big hill in anticipation of a really fun ride. I am excited about the opportunity to build something I'm fascinated with. I also get to work with some truly driven and principled people that are attempting to create some truly paradigm shifting stuff.
Steelbak is OpenDIY.
To me, that means using as much open source and decentralized technology as possible to create and repair the things we need and want here on our property and also sharing as much as I can in an open source way.
The open source way means giving as much information away as possible and making revenue in services. An example would be giving away all the plans and sources for a 3D printer while making revenue on providing custom parts and design.
It means learning as much as possible and sharing my work as openly as possible.
This logo, though not refined at all, does actually speak very well to the brand I wish to create; technology in design and machine repair, which feels very difficult for me to explain simply.

This is not quite there, but is getting much closer in my effort to be very clear about what this brand is. Clarity is probably the most important thing to me right now so that I can be confident and focused as I build going forward.
Now that I'm feeling more clear in what I'm looking for, I'm consulting with professionals to refine the brand even more. I've been through this process a few times before and this feels like good things are coming.
Project Blog Posts & Videos - Free (Marketing)
Consistent, high quality posts and videos on the various platforms are going to be the engine of my marketing efforts. I am working to carefully design my content to provide as much value as I can while staying as focused as possible to the brand and products.
3D Modeling Streams - Free (Marketing)
These videos will be a way to add value and become a reputable contributing member of the community. The videos will be focusing on using Linux, Blender and other high end open source apps to create things. I have a lot of ideas for this and should be a good steady source of ongoing content.
This will also integrate the use of On Demand Manufacturing, whether DIY market or outsourced to something like ProtoLabs.
Hub Access - Basic Support
This is the standard perk for Patreon, Hive delegation and other platforms to be defined and refined.
Regular communications and access to files and more. Basically, a hub to build a community for collaboration on projects and/ or just general interest in our philosophies and protocols. Basically, our digital shop.
Build camps - Premium Support
Patreon perk gets preferred access. Hive delegation and other platforms to be defined and refined.
I got the idea of build camps from the permaculture and Open Source Ecology projects I have been involved in. Using the example of our 3D Printers, we get a group together to get primed as a group for a hands on build of the printers (as a group) all building together under the guidance of experts and followed up with support after the build.
This is a great community building thing to do.
Actual Things To Sell
There are several physical products we are thinking of developing for sale, such as 3D printers, plasma tables and other axis driven tools, using those tools to make homesteading tools and also as many Open Source Ecology projects as might make sense.
There are tons of opportunities.
It will take a while to develop this part and that is what this is all about - building a community and projects.
Posted from my blog with Exxp : https://steelbak.com/?p=1227
Sounds like Ana interesting project. The idea of open source is very close to my heart. I understand that 3D printing was very much a child of open source and I am experimenting with it myself using Freecad but what other tools are you referring to?
I think open source is the solution to so many of humanity's problems.
The tools! Have you ever heard of Open Source Ecology? They have an array of tools and projects there that I'm interested in. Things were really going strong with producing some designs that had been in development for a really long time and then Covid hit and ended it all.
I'm at the stage in life where I really want to fire that up and I have a few more ideas as well.
Just checked out some of the videos. Such a great project and I look forward to seeing where it goes. I especially like the tractor. With companies like John Deer locking down their machines so that nobody except a certified technician can take a tool to it this is really needed. Did you know that their tractors have a killswitch and that they can lock out the farmer from using it? This of course leads to a lot of security concerns for food supply.
I really like your logo, by the way.
Thank you very much! I'm so sorry that I didn't see this comment until just now.
Thank you for stopping by and I hope to see you around.
Sounds great. As for the products you plan to sell do look into selling them at https://hivelist.store by @thelogicaldude.
Excellent idea. Thank you very much for that.