3 Ways To Increase The Amount Of Liberty In The Human Experience

in #anarchy7 years ago (edited)

There are many ways to make the human experience better. Here are my top 3.

1.  Educate Yourself – And Don’t Ever Stop Learning! 

Change starts with yourself.  I cannot stress enough how crucial it is to learn:

The objective difference between right and wrong human behavior.    

What rights all humans have, and what rights all humans do not have.

How choosing wrong behavior manifests a human experience with less liberty and more slavery. 

The true definition of the word “Anarchy”. 

Intellectual Self-Defense (recognizing fraud, fallacies, mind-control methods, etc., so you don’t become a victim) 

The law of cause and effect 

The Trivium

That’s on the macro….

On the micro, it’s always good to have knowledge and skills that enable self-reliance, such as…

Learn how to cure yourself so you don’t have to depend on the Medical Mafia to “treat” you. 

Know what ingredients are in your food and how they effect humans mentally and physically. 

2.  Share Knowledge With Others And Speak The Truth 

Yes, I know, people don’t want to listen.  They get stuck in their habits and resist overt change.  That doesn’t mean you can’t try!   

For example, tell a TSA worker why their actions are wrong, and how it ultimately effects them as well!

Tell people about how Aspartame effects the body and mind! 

Tell people the true meaning of the word anarchy!

Ignorance keeps people in slavery, and the only cure for ignorance is knowledge. 

3.  Take Right Action In The World 

This is, in my opinion and experience, the most difficult to do. Why? Because it involves defeating fear.

For example, nobody should pay their taxes.  But people do.  Why? 

Because of the fear of negative consequences on their life and the lives of their loved ones.    

However, liberty cannot be experienced without right action.  Therefore, it must be done.

I know, I know….

I picked one of the scariest scenarios as my example (not paying taxes).    

How about some other ways, that might be less confrontational?

Start your own local currency or cryptocurrency.  This is a wonderful way to avoid taxation (theft, slavery) because it makes true free trade possible outside of the violence-backed state currency system.    

Start support groups.  

A couple of great examples of this here on Steemit are:

@familyprotection – Helps defend families from the CPS and exposes CPS crimes, thanks to @canadian-coconut and @markwhittam, and many others.    

Hot off the press from @kafkanarchy84, is the #con group.  If someone is being abused by the state, you can post on Steemit with the #con tag to seek assistance. (In this case, CON is an acronym for Circle Of Noisemakers)

Here is a direct link to join the group.


  Another Steemian with an interesting and useful contribution along these lines is @mindhawk

He has started a privacy workshop here on Steemit, which you can find @


Props for taking right action to all of you! If there are others out there who have similar liberty-inspired projects, please let me know!

Another simple thing that can be done is to get people away from censorship-plagued platforms like Facebook and Youtube and get them onto Steemit and Dtube!

Or how about guerrilla gardening? Check out the Corbett Report’s podcast on the subject @


You can find Corbett here on Steemit: @corbettreport

Another example of taking right action, yet a tad more risky…...

Tell a cop “NO”, you can’t search my car.  Also, tell him why his job is wrong.  Yes, of course, this is very risky and you might get thrown in a cage.  However, liberty will not be achieved if people don’t start overcoming their fear and doing things like this.  Yes, I know, it’s the hardest, most bitter pill to swallow.  

It’s something that I grapple with EVERY DAY, trying to have the courage to do better.    

That said, here are some educational resources.  

The Trivium


Natural Law


Logical Fallacies


List Of Harmful Food Ingredients


Thanks for your time and attention!

Just say "NO" to slavery!

Top image is from picserver.org



Thanx. I've been for some time studying the logical fallacies which with they talk us into things. A step towards liberty is start thinking critically and stop repeating cultural memes that prevent us from actually thinking by ourselves.

Yes, thanks for that. Well said. Critical thinking is severely lacking in most people's lives.

dude, plz add privacy workshop here, these 3 reasons are why im doing it, and my experiences with law enforcement undercovers is the most specific that i am aware of on the web.

i do not know of any more valuable information than what is in privacy workshop for people to know right now, that is what is being repressed and im teaching people how to do it and even offering tech support.

Hey dude. Sorry, I dropped the ball on that one. I just added privacy workshop to the post. Thanks for letting me know! Keep up the great work. Cheers

Thanks! We can be pals.

btw just posted #5, took all day but I'm proud of it.

Keep on rocking in the free world!

Very informative, thanks! I've been wondering how to incorporate more agorism into my lifestyle, and this helps give me a good place to start.

As I told a friend yesterday, I want to be an agorist, but that would require more action than just fighting with people on the internet.

Yes, absolutely. Agorism definitely requires more action than "fighting on the internet". Glad my post helped you. Cheers

I like the sentiments here. Always learning and improving can help get us out of that external locus of control mindset where we are just victims, it builds confidence and empowers us. I used to think I was too stupid to learn a language, it sure feels great to know that Not only can I learn them, but that I’ll learn them faster and more efficiently with each language I learn!

I don’t think telling people they are wrong usually works, but speaking up is important! I usually try to empathize but plant little seeds of doubt in heir mind with questions and sarcasm. It’s fun to come up with ways to do this. Most people feel guilty about whatever they are doing but when you attack them or call them wrong they get defensive and it reinforces their behavior and imagine you are an enemy. “You know, this used to be considered sexual harassment. You’re not even gonna buy me a drink before putting it in my butt?”. Just breaking their routine in a lighthearted way can help to open their mind a bit and realize what they are doing is wrong.

LOL, love the sarcastic seeds of doubt. Thanks for the tip! Cheers

wonderful education for the day.....when we say no to ignorance, we say no to slavery. nice post Sir.

the pure and simple truth is rarely pure and never simple. OW ;-)

Thanks for the comment. Good to hear from you.