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RE: Voting For Anarchy?

in #anarchy7 years ago

Self ownership was an idea termed by john locke, and believe me that idea has long been proven to facade and has no connections to liberty whatsoever, Actually it represents something totally opposite.

i don't think you have slightest idea how systems work and what was the aim of that system in the first place.

and what questions need to be asked to see the darker side of a brilliant idea.

you will need to read a lot before judging and your post only looks like an unorganized rant to me. A lot of info still seems unknown to you and that is why your post looks more like an outburst. i could have suggested you some book but looking at your post i can say, you are in a hurry to reach some decisions.

that is why i suggest you to watch Justice by Michael sandel: A harward series which is the shortest form of review you can get for every kind of philosophy by the public through questioning. if you still have some questions then maybe you can join the next session at harward to clear your doubts or put your point.

finally i would like to say that it is really easy to point fingers towards the fault, Stay away from that.

Watch Justice Here on Youtube.

Be at Peace,


Instead of handing out homework, can you actually express a point for yourself? Your entire comment was just a vague, condescending complaint, with no actual substance.

Hmm. Sounds like your post, @larkenrose.

As i said, it is not about a matter what i say you seem to be in an outburst. they will only make you more angry. no solution comes from an angry mind and no discussion can take place.

i did not intend to give you homework, that is just a session where you will see that you are asking many questions that have been asked and answered over and over. I will not get involved in that centuries long discussion with you.

Self ownership was an idea termed by john locke, and believe me that idea has long been proven to facade and has no connections to liberty whatsoever, Actually it represents something totally opposite.

Not an argument at all. Just an unsubstantiated claim.

Lol at your "be at peace" bullshit after that condescending pontification.

Make an argument. The rest is just noise.

There is an old Quote by Emanuel Kant :

Skepticism is a resting-place for human reason, where it can reflect upon its dogmatic wanderings and make survey of the region in which it finds itself, so that for the future it may be able to choose its path with more certainty. But it is no dwelling-place for permanent settlement. Such can be obtained only through perfect certainty in our knowledge, alike of the objects themselves and of the limits within which all our knowledge of objects is enclosed,

Here is the part where self ownership and john Locke are discussed in real life situations:

here is the part where basic libertarian principles and taxation are discussed.

but i still suggest you to watch the whole debate series, it does not endorse any philosophy in particular, it just puts all of them up for debate among students and tests them in real life situations.

I am sorry if my last comment has offended you in any way. i was just trying to say that we ought to put all theories to test in real life situations and keep questioning them Before Reaching to the Decision about any particular theory.

And it even takes more diligence when we start to pitch those theories to other people. If you intend to stick with your philosophy for life and further spread it. Be ready to read through any book, theory, questions or whatever some idiot throws at you and learn your opposition better.

And most importantly to accept all criticism with warmth. that helps in converting a non-Believer.

Democracy was also devised to give power to the people as a concept. Nothing is Good or Bad. It is us, who make anything good or bad, hell or heaven. Even Good, bad, hell, heaven they all are subjective.

to declare any philosophy best above all, you need to judge many things for other people that i learned from a fellow steemian @joeyarnoldvn who commented on my intro post and made me realize a whole new dimension and calm my anger a bit,

be ready to learn and get surprised that is the essence of life. always look for those who disagree with you.

Video Source:

The only thing I agree with you on is that this HAS to be well thought out & solutions created prior, BUT I still believe in freedom.

I STILL hate gov't & I don't believe for one minute that the US of A is a DEMOCRACY. In fact based on my research, it NEVER was.

That's why they allowed the Fiat to be created in order to start a society where they could control what people make, spend, how they can spend it, etc.

If I'm not mistaken, they even outlawed gold, silver & other forms of currency.

It's a police state controlled by criminals in the gov't who PROTECT the EVILS of the world. It's been like even shortly after its inception.

If you can't see that, you don't have your eyes WIDE open & you haven't studied enough. You aren't going to learn this from mainstream propaganda.

Even so called politicians who mean well when getting into politics are either very naive about the EVIL game that is played, or they think they can actually MAKE a difference.

Once they start, they either lose any kind of election as they get further along, or once in power they are blackmailed, threatened (including their family) or they become the evil they claim to be different from.

And we CAN'T just talk about the American gov't, this is a world wide systemic problem.

I would have watched your videos, but since they are from Harvard, I wouldn't bother.

Harvard creates MANY of the EVIL people of the world being that it's an Ivy League school.