The Purity of Anarchy: Instinctualism

in #anarchy6 years ago (edited)

Anarchy, GOOD or baaad. This question is a product of dualistic thinking. Anything has a pure form. So what is the purity of anarchy?

The Purity of Anarchy Is The Product Of Agreements We Keep
That's it. End of story.


Here is how it happened.

Instinctualism: The Primal Agreement Is With the Unknown

The Primal Agreement of One, Do What You Say, Say What You Mean

The Story of Personal Anarchy
In the beginning, we were born from the unknown with a slap on the ass. We determined to cry and sought a value in our new life. Perhaps it was food, or a place to rest after birth. We live because we found it in the social order. Our first impression of that moment is the standard by which all agreements we identify with in life are formed.

You discover all values based on our first reference points. Is there greater value than this to be found in the unknown we ask, or even things that are worse? In our innocence of childhood we agree with the unknown force that delivered us here, to hold to the best values we find and determine our lives around them. This agreement with the unknown, to find and hold to the best values is our primal agreement.

As the first hairs of nether regions of our life rise, we are forced to earn the value of that which we determined in innocence to seek. This is very hard for many and many agreements are broken. The agreements that we are able to keep with ourselves and others succeed or fail, relative to our ability to hold to our primal agreement. The agreements we keep with ourselves and others are our doorways to freedom.

The Purity of Anarchy and the nature of the primal agreement
Once established and formed in the child mind with guidance in the social order, the primal agreement is the agreement all others are judged by. It is generally formed by around age 4. At that point new parts of the brain begin to open for impression and the primal agreement is put into action. Our impression of what we judge to be wrong for anyone to suffer, that we experience in childhood innocence, carries through our continuing life. All that is great that we believe everyone should be able to experience everyday or at least once in their lives, also forms the basis of the primal agreement.

Anyone able in every moment to keep agreements with themselves and others is a force of nature and is a pure anarchist. They are are already a law unto them selves, and though their body and mind are forced to move in and of social systems of custom, law or habit, they retain an internal integrity that is subject only to their agreed function in the unknown purpose of Creation.

The pure society of anarchy is one of agreements kept, the corrupted is one of agreements broken
The vision of a dystopian and tribialized anarchy is very real in a world of agreements broken. The natural world of our species is an internal agreement of mutual integrity within an unknown purpose. A pure society of anarchy forms tribes of interest, with others who keep their agreements. Agreement keepers form interconnecting systems of enterprise, to explore the frontiers of agreements in the unknown for various individual and shared purposes.

In such a system, the need for government is eliminated or handled within each enterprise. Anyone unable to keep agreements will be noticed over time. They will be naturally excluded and forced to find and form places of social order, where they can agree to disagree, in whatever way they like, somewhere else.

This society is not available in anyone's lifetime at this moment. However life is a moment by moment agreement to establish internal and external integrity in the unknown. Power and authority in our current social system, are rewarded to those with the power to break agreements according to economic need or political power. Those who naturally form the social order of agreement, are hard pressed to identify each other in this current environment. However, the technology to correct and minimize this impediment exists, as evidenced here.


If you would like a well researched and up to date library full of documentation on agreement keepers and agreement making, you will enjoy:

I Am on Minds

For more information on Instinctualism, click this link

For more information on imprinting the brain, at the various stages of our biological development, this is a fun and well researched book. It is the 90's edition published in the late 80's of
a manual on the use of the human nervous system according to the instructions of the manufacturers

Exo-psychology by Timothy Leary

There are updates to this manual being published, but you must find them. They will require another article to explain and link to,



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