I think in a democratic society, a peaceful protest should be the only acceptable norm. - The voices of the people are heard and taken into consideration. Since it's the people ruling through representatives.
In an autocratic society, an aggressive one should be the only norm. - People don't pick their leaders and leaders don't care about the people much. Change has to be made by force.
***I'm not naive. This only applies in extreme cases. A 100% democratic and uncorrupt society vs an unhuman dictatorship.
I don't believe that our government fear their citizens in the US at all. I think most people here are too complacent with their cushy lives and turn the other way when their rights are breached. I see our country slowly turning into more of a security state as time goes on, maybe not 1984 levels , but definitely to a point that is undesirable.
Same here.
This reminds me of the idea: It's easy to control prisoners, when we give them the illusion of freedom.
All we can do is educate people, make them question the government.
What would happen if a coup would take place in the US. Would the indoctrinated people stand with the new or the old?
So... what's the best solution to get rid of an autocracy which masks itself as an democracy?
Need to identify the enemy and call in "the expendables" :)
I don't know what to do.
It's not whether "our government" "fears" anything. It's about what those with the keys to the castle fear, think, and believe.