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RE: Capitalism Isn't About Exploitation

in #anarchy9 years ago

I've come to see capitalism in slightly different terms, but with perhaps a similar meaning to those you use in this article. Capitalism is the philosophy that offers a positive environment for rational self-interest. It assumes from the outset that the individual is the smallest minority possible - and does not require the sacrifice of the self. All of the variations of Socialism are merely tribalism with academic trimmings. I'd better stop there - it's a big subject. I wish you well.


Thank you for your comment. Would I be correct to assume Ayn Rand convinced you of capitalism?

I must admit when I first read 'Atlas Shrugged', it was a revelation. And, her other works and philosophy have had a ​significant influence on my thinking. That said, my focus has been geared more toward the psychology of individualism. The relevance of capitalism in this context is, as I'm sure you know, obvious.