I want two things in one form or another:
1 A plan of action to get to realize Anarcho-Capitalism rather than statism.
2 A plan of action to keep that freedom.
Now, I don't demand either of those things "from anarchy".
And in fact I don't fully demand them from anyone but myself, which is why I'm a an AnCap and a Cooperative Agorist CoAg, but I certainly still expect people to use their brains and we do need to come up with something that is actually going to be a viable competition to the state, rather than simply proposing a "random" or "chaotic" inorder not really capable of promoting or worthy of being called a society;
That's not what anarcho-capitalists want anyway. We're not nihilists. We don't want entirely "random" or "chaotic" events to take place -- not entirely --, but "human" events that are a matter of free will being purposefully exercised to the betterment of our own life and the lives of our loved ones.
(And, as you told the author, I mean no offence of course)