How "Fake News" is Harmful

in #anarchy8 years ago

Here is an example of "BBC Fake News"; BBC says they had been instruct by the police, not to include the attacker's shouts of "Allah". Regardless of the reason, if you are not going to report the truth, you should not report the story. Maybe the report should have shifted to, "Why the police are asking reporters, not to report what truly happen." I do not believe anyone would support the omission of facts as the BBC has clearly done here; but to me, cowering to the powerful is worse. This is how tens of millions of Russians became victims of the communists under Stalin, and even more were murdered by the Chinese. If the establishment media do not wake up soon, they will find themselves responsible for countless murders in the name of tolerance. The Germans wouldn't believe the truth about Hitler, because of "Fake News". In Russia political prisoners, were reported saying, "If Stalin knew what was happening, I wouldn't be here.", because "Fake New" told them what great things Stalin was doing. These examples, show us all the influence "Fake News" can have on a civil society. BBC this is not a game, people's lives are on the line; you are the "Gatekeeper", it is your duty to report the truth.


WOW Beautiful, keep posting stuff like that :)
I have followed and upvoted you do the same thing for me to help each other.
thanks :)

Wow, thank you. It's not like I had much trust in the mass media always, but still really cold.

Because of this fake news we have so many stereotypes about how bad it is for example in Russia or somewhere . That the only reason why newspapers got high raitings , coz ppl need drama , ppl wanna hear this shit unfortunately!
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