I am truly sorry for the evil done to you, Larken Rose. This being said, I am sure that the positive impact your actions have on humanity outweigh the negative personal consequences you have to endure. Thank you for your work, it is appreciated.
Ps: consider installing a multi crypto wallet like coinomi to be able to receive other cryptos as well, not everybody is holding Bitcoin. Makes it much easier to chip in!
I do know--because they told me--that a lot of people got a rather drastic "awakening" as a result of what I went through. Oddly, even though the issue had NOTHING to do with anarchism, I know a number of people who started down the road towards giving up statism as a result of this.
I imagine... I became an Anarchist all alone through meditation. Then I read the classics of Anarchism, but still didn't realize there are real anarchists out there today.
Then I saw a video of you for the first time a couple of years ago :)