The ultimate Religious God EVERYONE Chasing pieces of paper.

in #anarchy7 years ago (edited)


The ultimate World Religion, the very glue that sticks slavery together and that is money. Here we have what is essentially a piece of paper that doesn’t exist anywhere in Nature, of which its only value is that of what humans put on it themselves. Chasing these pieces of paper absolutely dominate not only our daily lives but more or less our entire existence. People will lie, steal, and even in some cases murder for more fake pieces of paper. Money, or lack of it keeps us in a survival scarcity mindset a constant ‘fight or flight’ mentality the perfect control mechanism for a force that seeks to dominate and control. What better way of diverting attention from your own wrongdoings than to get people running around like headless chickens after their slave notes day after day? Why doesn’t anybody question this insanity?

Its one big scam even down to the fact that we have to PAY to exist here! I didn’t sign up for this did you? Why aren’t other intelligent life forms using pieces of paper to pay for their existence? To pay for their basic Natural rights of food, water, and shelter. Here’s a clue maybe they are actually much more intelligent than us! Where are the monkeys, lions, elephants, and plants trying to accrue paper to justify their survival?


What is even more funny if it wasn’t so tragic is that the World is in a ‘crisis’ because apparently there is a short supply of pieces of paper! Its not like they could just you know, print some more! No no you must work harder and pay more taxes because your Country is on the verge of a ‘financial collapse’! I tell you what collapse we are on the verge of, a spiritual one. We have sold our souls down the river for money and its not even real! The banks are giving you nothing but fake numbers typed into a screen and then charging you interest on it, interest backed on nothing! If you walk into a bank and ask for a $10,000 loan they do not physically go and get you the $10,000 they just tap numbers into a computer. That is what youre paying all that interest for, for them to type numbers!


It doesn’t matter what Country you go to in the World either, earning and chasing money will dominate their daily lives, billions of people probably dominating their daily thoughts too. Like I say money is the glue that sticks the rest of the bullshit together. Wars are fought because of money, weapons manufacturers reveling in it, and it makes no odds at all if people die. Drug and food companies completely disregard peoples health in order to make profit. It turns friends into enemies, it has fractured so many families right down the middle. In my older days working within Estate Agency I had people come into my branch and their mum or dad had not even been buried yet and they would be wanting to put their house on the market to get their greasy hands on the equity. Many arguments between family members would take place during the course of a house sale, arguments over who would get what, and what share. It used to sicken me then even before I knew the extent to which money rules our lives. It doesn’t just control our minds but our very behavior to each other.

Tony Sayers,
Love, care, courage

Author of the book 'Are you Living or just Existing?'
Download at-



And yet we're on Steemit trying to make money...albeit supposedly uncensored, but money nonetheless

To be honest that wasn't my main motive, mine was to get away from the blatant censorship on Facebook. Yes its nice to see your creations make money but not the driving force for me anyway.

I hear you Tony. I was really excited at the prospect of an uncensored platform, but is it truly that, or is it an illusion? Delving deeper into the cesspool, below the frolicking paid lip service, reveals a darkness that makes fb look like a playground. The indiscriminate flagging by the financial elite who gang up on those that question the status quo, the revelation of dirty personal secrets, the blatant threats, layers of deception akin to a soap opera, it's left me feeling a bit tarnished. Having said that, yes it's great when there's genuine appreciation for one's contribution, a value beyond money.

Great stuff @tonysayers33 ! Definitely, money (or well, currency which is what we currently use) is the root of all evil ! I imagine a future where this tool will be archaic...but to get there we will definitely need to develop our spirituality, which is not meant to be important by society nowdays... We are indoctrinated to be complete clueless about the real nature of this "evil god" that rules our lives ... We are scammed every single day without even knowing it... I highly recommend you Mike Maloney's "the hidden secrets of money" videos, which helped me a lot to reflect about it within a deep historical, sociological and phylosophical way... Greetings from Spain mate! Upvote! :)

Hola @albertoyago totally agree...Maloney dives deep into the baloney (couldn't resist the pun, sorry) around the currency scams! 😊

The quote is 'the LOVE of money is the root of all evil' of the very few things in the bible I like! Don't you think it's too easy to shift responsibility for our behaviour onto the pieces of paper ? I think it's a cop out, and a lack of personal responsibility for our own action. We use the money to give us an excuse. Just a thought :-)

Thanks Alberto yes its all one big trap, I will check out that book, thanks for the recommendation!

Really enjoyed reading that, but the last sentence doesn't sit with me. Humans shouldn't be controlled by pieces of paper, but mostly they are. This shows a lack of evolution to me, which could be sorted by education. Everything in life sadly boils down to greed, individual desire or selfishness, and jealousy. This is what makes most humans a pretty shit species.
Without money, or any sort of exchange system it would be simply survival of the fittest as per the majority of the natural world. Is this what you want for humans?
The world needs love, tolerence, understanding and selflessness, in equal part with the looking after number 1. Then we get natural balance. Equillibrium...and thus harmony.
Money isn't the cause, it's the symptom, but it's also an enabler.
Look at Steemit. Full of greed and desperation, people shouting to be heard, 'look at me', 'listen to me'...all camouring for a few coins. Some needy, some not needy but matters not.
Anyways, great article and beautifully written.
Have a fabulous weekend mate and i will look out for you book :-)

I get what you're saying bro, I personally came here because I was getting so censored on Facebook with hundreds and not thousands of friends/followers just randomly deleted. I agree there is definitely an air of desperation on Steemit which takes away from what it should be about, which is celebrating creativity. I wont lie its nice to get upvoted and ear a bit, but I get much more satisfaction from people actually reading what I have to say. Thanks for the feedback and the book is already out on the links attached to the article :)

I agree the money system is garbage. But it's the garbage we have to get used to to survive in today's world.

Steemit illustrates both good and bad behavior in regards to money. It demonstrates the lust for money when people view it as a money-making machine. Being fake for upvotes or people pleasing is not a legitimate way to acquire money. This is greater bondage than a 9 - 5 job!

But Steemit also illustrates acquiring money without lusting for it - to acquire money by simply interacting sincerely with others and providing quality content that enhances the lives of others. This also frees up time for other important things, like spending time with family and developing relationships. This lightens the heavy money load off our backs and is a legitimate way to acquire money. @ironshield

Yes I agree, its a double edged sword! There are some hungry desperate people who are using this platform for the wrong reasons. Still its a great way to level the playing field for those in poorer countries.

Money : a paper that has no value , it's just not backed by anything , it's depth to someone , someone whit a money printer mostly ;-)

Ask yourself , we had millions a 100 years ago , we got billions today ?
Where did it al come from ? when did it rain money in this world ?

why do we need it ?
Or better , can we reverse our money enslavement ?

Can the world wake up and see it's madness ;-)

Totally mad, if it wasn't so tragic it would be hilarious!

but yet here we are on Steemit generating more of it, which most people will go out and spend, and which most of this content is written on 2grand MacBooks and filmed on 1000dollar cameras. I sense irony at best, hypocrisy at worst.

Hmmm , am i generating money ? or Steem tokens that give me voting power ?
Yes i admit , the money enslaved society is very active on Steemit .
Post's on ways to get token's fast and easy true bots and tricks are hot and trending .
Steemit is sometimes promoted as the way to earn a living , that attracts a lot of gold diggers . They are not hypocrite's there just greedy .

Here i can take that dirty money and turn it in to Steem token's witch give me voting power . Sadly i can't convert more dirty cash due to the ridicules high cost of living in a tax based world .

I am here for the ride ;-) , have some .

Nice article, great points you raise here, Tony!

Fiat finance is a house of cards waiting for the winds of crypto to blow it all down... the current-sea (currency) of cash, backed by nothing more than a wing and a prayer, can no longer be sustained. And the banksters know this!

Wishing you every success with the launch of your book as well👍😊⭐️

Thanks Lily yes they must be laughing at us in their ivory towers chasing pieces of paper around until we drop!

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Very informative! Thanks for sharing :)

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Got it in one Tony. Spirituality. If my bandwidth allows - resteemed.
--I look back over my life and money has played a large part. Not a huge part, but always there, reminding one that without spuritual faith one is living on a world edge of disaster. I never had a speed boat or jet-ski, I never thought about it. When w/e fun of that nature came up, someone gave me Lian of one. I sailed, but others owned yachts. I built my own fast cars for racing in the bush bashes but we did it bitsa and stripped other same models for parts. When I owned a hole full of sapphire I enjoyed a holiday at the casino, but just as easily enjoyed going back in the hole after, too. If I wanted to travel o/s, I would dream the end result, and back-plan from there to what was necessary, then let it go, and it would show up. Money is a bit like grit or graphite. Thinking on the money, and it is grit. Working at the quality, and money becomes a graphite, secondary, it makes work easier but is not the action. I would never denigrate it, but I've lived my whole life without more than sufficient. I'm happy, I'm rich, with many friends, much kudos, but only sufficient cash.
--And extra thought punching this out with one fingertip, says that I never did work for the money. Sure, I remember one job from which I received $37/week for turning up at work as wages (1975ish) and $50/day in danger pay, for climbing to top of four storey Bank wall of furnace brick, and jackhammering the wall out from under my feet with a 180lb hammer and a hose that led down two storeys. Sounds stupidly dangerous now, but I was younger, immortal minded, and the money was good, but it wasn't about the money. I was a team player and we all did demolition that rules wouldn't allow today. It was FUN! You can't worry about money when you live and drive and do everything at the edge. 😇
Probably may not get resteemed. Out of bandwidth, but it will depend on your sixth day. I will try again, hopefully before you lose your oblong arrow. 😯