I'm pretty tired and frustrated how humanity constantly falls for the same 'divide and rule' techniques set out by the Worlds so called 'elite' (who are nothing more than parasites) Just how long are we going to keep falling for this bullshit? Hate the immigrants, hate the Muslims, hate the poor, hate black people, hate gays, the list goes on!
We have to realise that we are being massively played here, because for as long as we stay divided we will never come together in unison (their biggest fear) against the real enemy which is those that head up governments, corporations, weapons industries, bankers, secret societies, and shadow governments. For as long as you're looking at the guy or family next door as the problem, then those have given themselves power are running off in the other direction with the swag bag!
Its so obvious that this is going on, its relentless now in the mainstream media to hate on somebody! The issue is so many people have hate in their hearts through bad childhoods and unhealed traumas, that it gives people an avenue in which to vent their anger! You can only truly hate if your own heart is filled with hate.
Now I'm not saying there aren't bad people in certain sections of society of course there are. There are bad people not only in Islam but also Christianity, Judaism, and Hinduism etc There are bad poor people, and there are certainly many bad rich people! But to single out one section of society and blame them for all the Worlds ills is where it is completely playing into the hands of the Planets 'movers and shakers'. And you know what they are LAUGHING at you for falling into their snare!
Im not making excuses, personally ALL Religions should be wiped off the face of the Earth, its caused nothing but problems, but I have to speak out against this constant bombardment of media baloney! Let me say if you're buying into deep hatred for any sector of society then you are very much part of the problem. Take a look at the wider picture, who REALLY makes your life hard with forced taxation and the threat of violence, erosion of your rights and freedoms, and constant Wars that YOU are paying for? Il bet its not the poor or Muslim people!
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Tony Sayers,
Love, care, courage
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Author of the book 'Are you Living or just Existing?'
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FACTS!!!! I agree with you 100%. I have this conversation daily. Some days I'm pumped up and others I'm exhausted. The hive mind is a dead mind. But I haven't given up!
Keep on keeping on!
People simply need to be informed enough about this strategies, if people were aware of them they wouldn't not fall for this, and a lot of the manipulation going on would be worthless.
In my country Venezuela the current government has been dividing the people for more than a decade, and the worst part is they were successful at it, this was just an strategy for them to gain more control over the country and start doing what they have been planning all along, destroy people's freedom and steal thousands of millions $.
Agree, there will always be exceptions to any generalization we can imagine.
Good article @tonysayers33, cheers!
Ive been to Venezuela and there should not be one single poor person given the amount of oil there. Really upsets me what has happened as the people there are so warm.
"Im not making excuses, personally ALL Religions should be wiped off the face of the Earth, its caused nothing but problems, but I have to speak out against this constant bombardment of media baloney! " And I concur with your statements.
They’ve succeeded in manipulating people, and it just gets better for them each year. But I noticed a little difference in the case of religion as more are waking up from the spell of religion which is quite impressive. At least much better than two years ago. Religion is their biggest weapon, that’s why Crowley was so constantly outspoken against religion
Crowley was a satanist; which is another religion.
Lol that’s one thing about truth.. truth is scary and it’s so easy to misunderstand truth. That’s Crowley’s personality for you
I can't wait for the day religion is banished from this World forever!
Same here! We can’t keep watching this pathetic movie about the world that irritates our spirit
I believe media is their biggest weapon. Religion is their old weapon of mass destruction but it's becoming ineffective. These days it's the music, television, movies, news, etc. that control people.
I agree with you
We have to keep sharing the love and truth!
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