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RE: Blips on a Screen: Why Everything is Information, and Why Crypto is No Less "Real" than Gold or Dollar Bills.

in #anarchy7 years ago

I'm with you mate, I love gold and trust it's ability to protect my wealth, not only from inflation but through any changes to the financial system. Let's face it, big changes are coming.
I've done well with crypto's in the last few years but always transfer some of the profits into gold (and silver).
I don't know where we're going with Cryptocurrencies in the future, yes blockchain tech is here to stay however it would be unwise to invest everything in CC's unless you're 100% certain they will carry on their current format. BTC is already dinosaur like with its slow confirmation times and ever increasing fees, so while I think it'll carry on doing well while there is a mania around it I think the new adopters will go increasingly for the cheaper, faster crypto's that frankly have more to offer.
The devs have too much say in the BTC space now and some believe it has already been co-opted by govt entities determined to either destroy its rep or take it over. I guess what I'm saying is that we are still at the very beginning of this economic revolution and I still believe it could go either way. I sincerely hope we get the economic freedom we aspire to and free ourselves of the central banks but it would be naive to think they won't go down without an epic battle.
Buckle up, the next few years could be a wild ride.


But it would be naive to think they won't go down without an epic battle.
Buckle up, the next few years could be a wild ride.

That’s very true. And something I think not enough people in the “crypto space” are thinking about.