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RE: Not Kokesh for "Not President" (Part 2 of 2)

in #anarchy7 years ago

That was the idea according to Ben Farmer's video to dangle the money in front of the "authorities" and then pull it back, like a screw you, you're not going to get this money. He stated the money to the LP came from separate funds and what was said was to screw with the state.


How hard are you going to try to deny the fact that at least one of Ben's statements was PATENTLY FALSE? I made my post on Facebook based on HIS WORDS. The fact that he later completely changed his story doesn't retroactively make my post unjustified; it just makes him dishonest.

The only thing I'm trying to do is find out the truth. I'm not denying anything. You didn't address my point though that the first story was to screw with the state. I'm not saying lying is ok but your contention that bail money was diverted to the LP is still in question here with Farmer's 2nd statement.

That is not proof, it's conjecture.

another question: Why do you never acknowledge the righteousness of the goal of Adam's campaign to end he fed gov? Ending the gov oppression is about as righteous as it gets. I noticed that in the debate and thought it odd not to acknowledge that.

None of the thousands raised explicitly to “GET ADAM OUT OF JAIL” were used for bail. Zero. Kokesh himself admits it. See post below.

Asking him about this, would be a good question if he shows up for the debate.
"Please let us know what you used the money for, and how it was ethically/morally used according to your principles."

It is possible he will have a positive answer.

So, ask him about it directly in the debate. If he has a good explanation, you're bearing false witness. Right now, it's not just Adam's reputation that's on the line.

Honestly, I wouldn't have given any of this a moment's credence if not for who was making the accusations, Larken Rose. I couldn't simply dismiss his words.

After Larken and Adam debated, I was not convinced about much of anything.

I don't give a fuck if you only give a "moment's credence" to "big names" man. No skin off my nose.

That wasn't intended to be a slight on you, I don't know you. But with all the stuff you and Larken have said, I expect you to be able to back it up in the debate. That does not seem unreasonable.

btw, didn't think you could talk to me because I don't like to be labeled. - everybody must be labeled or you won't be able to tell an anarchist from a statist. that was bogus from the get go

everybody must be labeled or you won't be able to tell an anarchist from a statist

When/where did I say this?

"If this is how you feel I’m not sure we can collaborate on much of anything. Agreeing on defintions is foundational and essential for avoiding confusion.">

Knowing right from wrong trumps definitions besides, do you think I don't know them?

I just don't like labels for people. It's divisive, it's violence.

so, hang me on a technicality if you wish but there's no confusion on my part.

the debate is still on for today? what time? is it live? tia

=/= "everybody must be labeled or you won't be able to tell an anarchist from a statist"