I deeply support your educational efforts, and the inspiration you provide.
I exemplify the stark reality you here relate.
For many years I was able to resist and counter statist privilege and predation, prospering and raising my sons as free men.
The most impressive thing I have ever done is necessitate that coordination of predatory institutions requisite to my defeat. It required a concerted, multi-decadal effort, involving corrupt local, regional, national, and international organizations, that must have cost $M's, and in the end, when they did finally succeed, they got nothing, as the cost for securing my betrayal was providing the traitor my property.
The only purpose of the attack was my defeat: the defeat of outspoken defiance of their predatory tyranny, from one demonstrably succeeding at prospering while opposing them, in the heartland of our fathers. I believe they were willing to spend ten times that to crush me.
I realized that regardless of how much property and wealth I accumulated, upon my death, none of it would be of any benefit to me, nor anyone I care about. Lawyers, the most vile perversity civilization has spawned, would be my beneficiaries. My experience showed that accumulation of property inevitably necessitated ever more strenuous and informed effort to secure it, preventing me from being able to enjoy the benefits of it.
Furthermore, due to the structure of the institutions which are necessary to the acquisition of property, it is impossible to do so without feeding the system. In my work to oppose that system from within it, I became it. There are means of acquiring property without financially supporting the system directly, but they cannot be undertaken ethically, and criminal support of their criminal mechanisms is perhaps even more emunerative to that system, and devours the soul.
There are no trustworthy allies, so I can only rely on my own skills and work to attain and secure property. Wiser words I cannot share: regardless of claims by others of devotion and fealty, do not potentiate your own vulnerability to betrayal. Trust no one.
My needs are simple, and trivially met. As long as I can wield a hammer, I will continue to meet them. When I no longer can, it will be time to die.
Because of this, I am practically immune to those whose depredations are intended to secure to them the wealth and property of their victims. I am invulnerable to betrayal. I am invulnerable to plunder and theft, since I can walk away at any time from everything I own, without significant loss.
Citi can no longer afford to seize my assets unlawfully, as one of their lawyer prostitutes spending even one minute giving the idea thought would exceed in cost the entire value of my possessions. If the IRS comes after me, they will prove they owe me money. No LEA can do other than fraudulently entice perjury to convict me of any crime.
All I have that is worth possessing is me. That is all I can take with me wherever I go, no matter what predation I suffer, whether I live or die.
I am free.