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RE: Few good reasons to kick Google out of our lives right now

in #anarchy9 years ago

That is commendable, I really mean it.

My argument is that Google, like Apple, Facebook and Microsoft, all have ulterior agenda that is hidden from public. I don't mean regular business secrets, I mean exactly what I wrote above. Since I am in the business of web development and programming, I know how easy is to implement everything I wrote about, but because of my background in marketing and design I also know how it can be easily mixed with propaganda and manipulation.

When it comes to OS I am using, I have 2 installed on my PC. Ubuntu and Windows. Windows is unfortunately required for my line of work, because there aren't good alternatives for Design programs. Who knows, maybe I force myself one of these days to design on Linux and then write about my experience.

Because I am aware that Windows is spyware, I have learned to use Firewalls and some other alternative hacks to prevent communication with Microsoft servers. I am vigilant about my privacy and I know that it is constantly under attack with these "free" services we once thought will liberate us.

If you want to educate people, like I see you do, explore alternatives to mainstream google services. You will see that there are plenty of good choices.

I will leave you with this thought: "If you throw a frog into a boiling water, it will immediately jump out, but if you put it in water and heat it slowly, frog will die because it will end up cooked".