I can appreciate the distinction between sexism and what you are referring to, the reason I don’t like the word “priveledge” is because the wording itself infers that someone has more than they deserve. I don’t believe most people who use the word believe that to be the case but they certainly cause misunderstandings with overly protective males (or whites) who could have been much more empathetic to their cause if it was expressed better.
If you disagree, that’s fine, I’m just putting it out there as someone who does understand that we still have a ways to go before it’s all good.
I also think it’s terrible that woman can’t travel as freely as men. I do know some pretty amazing women who hitchhike and camp on their own though. I know they have some added dangers and inconveniences though so I have crazy respect for them.
I may have unintentionally sounded a feminist dog whistle that makes people uncomfortable. I for one, however, greatly appreciated my white privilege last week when I was pulled over by the police in the southside of Chicago. This is especially true since I may or may not have had something that is still illegal in the state of Illinois in my trunk - Something that could’ve landed a brother in jail or dead. True story, but I’m trying to use humor here.
I need to be aware of the privilege that i have (but have not earned) based on the color of my skin because in my line of work I sometimes have the power to make decisions that can greatly impact others - whether it be good or bad. I think the world would be closer to our vision of what it should be if we dispel the myth of meritocracy. Embrace the fact that you can travel more freely, my friend, simply because you were born with a Y chromosome. It’s OK for males to appreciate such things without needing to feel guilty about it.
We ALL deserve better, starting with those who have it rough do to their gender, race or orientation. But none of us should need to earn that kind of respect and decency, the right to not fear for their lives. Be careful with what’s in your trunk :-P