Thank you for sharing your insights and your critical questioning.
If emotions are byproducts of thought processes, then it follows that every individual owns their emotions 100% as they are the only one able to monitor/evaluate/replace/modify their thought processes and thereby change the emotional outcome.
If emotions are not byproducts of thought processes then individuals are valid in their blame of others for how they feel.
Ego (story and not real) when challenged responds in knee-jerk fear and hostility. Ego blames others for emotions arising when the story is threatened and may respond in unconscious behavior initiating aggression against others. Only individuals are empowered to kill their ego. Enlightenment can not be withheld or given away it can only be accepted from within. True self arises as ego dies. Ego is always dysfunctional because ego is not real, it is only story, however ego wants to be real. Ego is a bio-mechanism of the human brain. Ego by physiology will always reemerge needing to be killed again, and again, and again. Thoughts are autonomic. I am not my thoughts, the ego always throws out thoughts to be monitored by me to determine if they are valid or invalid. I discard thoughts that are invalid and do not blame others for my emotions. I blame others for their initiation of aggression against me. Holding an individual accountable is an act of respect, as surely as vengeance is an act of justice. Nobody is accountable for my emotions as byproduct of my thought processes. I don't have to give a damn what anbody else thinks, and yet I choose to. That's on me, and I own it 100%.
Enjoy your evening.
Woodchuck Pirate
aka Raymond J Raupers Jr USA
3 I completely agree with your point here. Ego is just another phenomenon in the fascinating field of consciousness. It's beautiful the description of the emergence of the ego in this book by researcher Francisco Varela:
And I understand your reasoning when you say that my emotions depends on my thoughts which I could be able to control, so I can't blame others for what I feel.
I feel though that things are a little more complicated. Leaving aside for now the question of freewill, we can see that these emotions can change deeply when we are in presence of another human beings and me trying to counteract this movement of the heart is again imposing my will on reality and, essentially, a movement of the ego. Again our parents partly molded our view of the world and I feel deeply that I embody their wishes, fears and good qualities too. I'm not an individual but a living form emerging from a certain human lineage.
Again, these deep emotions, passed from generation to generations, are embodied in my flesh and part of my doing is guided by these structures. And the same with the conditioning operated by regime's media and private companies, which acts more on the repetitive exposure to desired emotions than with thoughts. Can I really be impermeable to those emotions just controlling my thoughts?
At certain times emotions can come before or after thoughts but can we see the interdependence between them and just be aware of the process? Can we understand our conditioning towards submission, authority, violence etc. and be free from that?
Can we be free from Sisyphus frustration and stop pushing the rock?
Best Wishes Raymond,
Hello cupiditasvivendi,
Thank you for the best wishes, it adds some sentimentality to my observation of the ever expanding archontic environmental descent that society insists upon.
In reading your words I perceive a great unsatisfied desire despite passionate pursuit of "love". Perhaps you want to justify your choice of underlying assumptions in equating the human art-form (life-form) as noble? Do you think humans are noble? I won't allow myself to assume what your underlying assumptions are, but I enjoy your writing and will now always look forward to it.
Emotionally, I perceive you and I are worlds apart, and I am grateful to know that you may be called to what I am not. My choice of underlying assumption has been established not by parental interaction. I know this to be true by the simple fact that I have chosen not to be psychopathic. I was literally raised in a basement, index fingers broken as an infant and consequently am blessed with an extensive history of suffering which adds a clarity that I would not wish on others. It is through suffering in clarity that I've earned acceptance of the realization that the human body is a prison. I appreciate the promise of an inevitable rescue by death. Until then I am straining at the leash, annoyed with those refusing to get off their knees.
Contrasting my misanthropic vision, the beauty of your inclination (nature) to approach the dying days of humanity with grace is very important, because I know there is no separateness and you are guided by purpose. You appear to approach this purpose with reverence for the human life-form as anything but prison.
However, crazy is as crazy does, and the human lineage is undeniably parasitic. As the biosphere collapses around me from geo-engineering crimes committed by the US military over more than seven decades, I am much more inclined to celebrate the music of "Rotting Christ" than "Simon and Garfunkel", however I own both. And in this moment I find myself feeling relief, and appreciation to have read your words confirming the realization that there is no separateness. However one only needs to turn their eyes back to the words I wrote preceding this sentence to find the thoughts that manifest our dialogue in this present moment.
Yes consciousness, an infinite awareness, is an element of paradigm I position to observe that which I decode as reality, while simultaneously rejecting faith in all forms. Every leap of faith seeks only to expand the blind-spot in my brain. I do not seek to turn away from infinite truth. I'm a unique individual, and nobody is special. In your question "Can I really be" I offer the answer that there is nothing but "be". Consciousness does not require belief or thought. In the statement "I am", any words positioned after the word "am" is just story (ego). I simply "am". Our ego trades stories because that's how it is done here in the biological prison matrix.
Thank you for the link you've provided, I'm always looking for new material to observe. I'm not "conditioned" towards submission or anything else as I am no-"thing". I'm doing what I want, when I want, with whoever I want. The human life-form is over-rated but I have found no evidence that everlasting life (existence) is avoidable and so someday I hope to choose consciousness devoid of matter if the choice presents itself. Until then I'm busy looking for others straining at the leash.
Please have a very nice day.
Woodchuck Pirate
aka Raymond J Raupers Jr USA