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RE: I just applied for citizenship to Liberland! Thoughts, Reservations, and Enthusiasm about the New "Free Republic" in Southeast Europe

in #anarchy7 years ago (edited)

It's not an oversimplification it is how it is everywhere. There's a ruling class and a subject class. Why do you think that the poor are protected? they are not just like I'm not.

You don't have a choice if you can not say no. picking between two or more rapists does not give you a choice or power or anything even if the rapist would prommisses to safely drive you home, and the other promisses a bath and adding a third doesn't make it better. You have no choice and no freedom.

I would help the old lady but not by robbing her via via.

That you get the poor the rich and nothing in between I don't believe that I think the in between would grow not a bit but a lot. Imagine that all the rules and hoops licenses someone must jump through and pay and have, where not there.

The government is not broken it can't be fixed by voting or petitioning. It was, and is still, always working perfectly. There is no great man or great group of people that can use violence and power to make things good.

What do you personally advocate happen to me if I don't pay tax?

Thank you for the reply :)

Edit added.


thanks for your reply.
Let me first answer your question.
I would kick you out of the country if you don't pay taxes in the country you live in. You should leave with all your belongings. If you want to you can come back but just after a years or so.

So now the things which are kind of personal for me.
In my opinion the government is broken. It can't be fixed by a great person but it can be fixed by reassess it. I can just speak for the country I live in, there it is very hard to run as a politician and even if you manage to become one until then you had to do so many favors for so many people that you forgot why you where doing it in the first place.
They had the idea in Athens long before Christ birth where they selected politician randomly. The idea was that it doesn't matter who is running for this department can do it as good as anybody else. They where doing this system for quit a while until some rich people started a revolt and at the same time a big army from the east was coming.
This idea sounds like total chaos for me but also like a good idea to reinvent a corrupt system.

Also if you say the government is OK the way it is now why do you think if you would privatize everything it would work better? The past has shown that if companies get governmental institutions the usually ruin it. It is not because they are bad at what they are doing but their interests are just money which is different from a governmental running department which gets the tax money and doesn't have to make profit or profit.
A good example is shown in the movie "Water makes money."


It's a bit in wrong order this reply

I mean government is working perfectly for the ones who want the power even more because their victims see them as the only way to get to a peaceful society. It's logical that companies (corporations-fictional entities created by the fictional entity government) attach themselves to government an the other way around) That will always happen government have something to sell namely the citizens money and the citizen him self because they hold them as slaves with their monopoly on violence, and there is also a buyer.
The government protects the corporations by making the citizen buy the corporations stuff under force through their monopoly of violence. For instance, If I don't pay health insurance by such a big company or the kartel of companies that the government has chosen for me, I land with a gun in my face to put me in a cage or shoot me if I resisted. I must buy by those companies.Guess what companies get chosen the ones that offer the politicians the most money or a job after their "career" as politician is over.

If you privatize there is no government to cling to. The companies would not have the perceived right to rule, to force you to buy stuff you don't want. It would be seen as evil because they don't have the whole religious stuff that government has. I would not have to buy from people or stores I consider to be evil and I don't have to pay for wars and an protection racket. I may defend myself and others against them or hire someone with the right morality, to do that for me. I vote with my money. See it as a sort of police that only has the right to do what normal people could do in those situations because they are normal people. (don't know if I said this before in one of my comments, might be :)

Putting random people at the thrown might be better but not good enough. It's still slavery Why should I be forced at gunpoint to obey more randomly arbitairy opinions of ramdom people. Lets say I'm such a random person. Why would you want me to tell you what you must and may not do or be punished if you don't obey? I would not even want to rule you. I believe I can not get a right to rule you. Not from god not from a bunch of people who say I have that right that don't even have that right themselves. I'm nobodies master I'm nobodies slave. And I mean that.

How would you do that (literally), kicking me out of "the country" if i was living there peaceful on my own land and with my neighbours.
How would you put me over an imaginairy line somewhere on piece of grasland or forest hundreds kilometers away. Just because I don't want to fund what you want and what I consider to be evil?

I edited out some alinea that was kind of double about corporations