I don't get the whole movement thing either. Well......in a sense, I get it.....because it's hard to be an individual ...it's pretty alone sometimes, especially in the beginning, you want to find people who think like you.....I guess that's why I went to anarchapulco in 2017. I met a few people......but I saw also all the agenda's and deviations from what it is about.
I often observe conversations, and think; What is it that they want?
I see statist pulling at i.m.o. principled anarchist, and think to myself, what do you think they are gonna do, joint "the movement" don't you see that what you are trying is hopeless? Go do what you want to do, talk to super statist and try to get them in your movement....some will past through your movement and become an anarchist, bad for your movement, good for freedom.