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RE: Anarcho Capitalist vs Libertarian Socialist Debate

in #anarchy6 years ago

This weird debate shows how easily the Libertarian Party can be captured by the radical left. The left need simply rip select portions of Marx's Das Kapital and they can get a faction of Libertarians marching in step with Stalin and Castro desiring a socialized state for egalitarianism.


It is insanity but at the same time completely predictable isnt it?

The radical left has been working on capturing the Libertarian movement for decades.

I have my hopes pegged on the term "classical liberal." This approach builds on the observation that there has been a debate about the relation between man and government that has taken place throughout history.

This approach suffers the challenge that the left has already captured the term "liberal." One also has to deal with the fact that Conservatives have invested a huge amount of effort tarnishing the word "liberal."

The way the political class has poisoned our language makes it seem that every path is insane.