As promised. I dropped my answer as post on my SteemIt.
The way to draw people into the libertarian point of view is to draw them into a conversation about who owns what in their local community.
I start by pointing out that poverty, by definition, is lack of ownership. A poor person, by definition, does not own anything worth merit.
Looking at communities we see that ownership is being concentrated into a small number of private equity firms and REITs. This concentrated ownership disenfranchising the people.
Statism and welfare tends to accelerate the concentration of ownership.
High taxes tends to undermine the ability of people in the community to own things.
When one concentrates on a discussion of individual ownership, one systematically draws people into a world view where they realize that property rights and individual liberty are the key to widespread prosperity.
Conversely one will realize that big government and big finance tend to march hand in hand to drive the people at large into subsistence.
One can bring up the question of ownership in everything. For example, I am writing a comment. One should question who owns this comment and who benefits from this comment.
Asking the question in different contexts brings people into the libertarian view without sounding too preachy.