Excellent piece!
I've been continually trolled for a while by a group of the very same people who've been labelling him a god-emperor (they didn't like me making a meme mocking the claim he'd have run into a shootout unarmed - possibly the daftest thing he's said in his life).
I struggle to decide which is worse: Trump or those who still actually think he has their best interests at heart.
I think I'll send all my 'thoughts and prayers to them' - lol. I can't help but feel sorry for them, all the same.
A younger Donald Trump? Not half as fat as he is now? The same Donald Trump who dodged the draft for Vietnam? The one who nearly shat himself sat next to a bald eagle? You think would have run into a school to take down a shooter? Please.
Snopes rate it unproven. It's not like he's not known for exaggerating / making shit up, is it?
Do you actually believe the story? Do you think he'd run into a school to tackle a shooter?
You'll be in the minority if you do.
Nah, I don't think he would either, but I did think the arcticle was pretty cool for the Pres. It does show he is a much better human being than the media gives him credit for. Just for the sake of honest, You know you would of jumped to if a big ass bald eagle came at you!
Lol. I'd rather be sat next to a single bald eagle than be trying to prune a pear tree in an enclosure with eight Eurasian eagle owls pissed because they didn't like my singing. Did I mention I was on uneven ground, up a step ladder? With massive shears that were wearing me down? In shorts / t-shirt as it was the height of summer?