The 45 Laws of Zamolxe

in #ancient7 years ago

The 45 Laws of Zamolxe

1. Beyond the flow of time and the thought of the gods, it is the Living and Eternal Fire, from which all come and through which all things are. Everything and nothing is His breath, the empty and the full are His hands, the movement and the restlessness are His feet, nowhere and everywhere

His midst, and His image is light. Nothing is done without light and everything that comes from the light comes to life and takes the creature.

2. As lightning brings light and out of light thunder and fire that flows, so is the thought of man, he passes into the word of man and then in his deed. So, remember this, for the burning fire must be a light and a thunder. The light of man is his thought, and this is his most precious asset. Light catches power by word, and the will of man ignites the fire through which all that is around is made.

3. Be like the mount, and raise your light above those that surround you. Do not forget that the same steps you make at the top of the mountain as well as down it, the same air is upside down as well as the tree on the top of the mountain as well as its bottom, so the sun shines the peak as well as the smooth land .

4. Be thrilling like the earth and you will not lack anything. Creanga too full of fruit is faster broken by the wind, the seed too deep does not come out and too much water extinguishes its breath.

5. Remember the towering tree, the higher it is, the more its roots are deeper in the earth, for the earth pulls its strength, remember it. The more you rise, the more you have to go down, because the lift is the same as the descending measure.

6. The power of man begins with unspoken words; it is like a seed that coalesces, nor is it seen when it comes to breathing life. The light of the seed is the one that raises it, the earth is the one that gives it the food, the water gives it its vigor, and the patience wears it firmly.

7. Look at the river and remember his lesson. At first, it is just a stink of water, but it grows bigger, for it comes from what is greatest, and things have to be fulfilled by their nature. There is also the thought of the right and right, he makes his place among stones and rocks, not

he takes care of nothing, he's following his way and nothing is in his way. Water is gathering together, and together the power is even greater.

8. Take notice of this mystery, and do not forget it, that water stink knows where it will go, for one is with the earth and all that comes to its way can not stop it until the end. So take into account your thoughts where they must arrive and you will see that nothing stands in its way. Let your thought be clear to the end; many will appear in its path, for the flesh of things around is like the waters. Water with water meets, earth with earth and mountain with mountain.

9. Take heed to the evil thought, beware of him as a lightning, let him go as he comes, for he reminisces of unrighteous things. Beware of the words that are false and untruthful; I am like the dust of the field that covers your eyes, like the spider's net for your mind and soul. They

urges you to truism, deceit, thievery and shedding of blood, and their fruits are shame, helplessness, poverty, sickness, bitterness and death.

10. Do not judge people by their weight, by their power, by their wealth, by their beauty or by their zeal, for one and the other has left something to grow in something else. The rich is poor in peace, the strong one is weak to another, and the weak has his hidden strength. How the nature of things is miserable, as is man. What gives value to a tool, need, or beauty? Does a man go more than a ox? Are any of the richest ones like the earth? Only knowledge and wisdom raises man over the beasts. And you have no knowledge if it is not clear by the weather.

11. Reddened iron was cold and it would cool again; the vessel was earth, and it will be the earth again; the land that was wiped out now is fruitful and will be cut off again over time. The wrath of man makes all this changeable. But zeal brings joy in sadness and tranquility in restlessness. Iron and fire help the man, but he also wounds him. And the same zeal urges him to go on paths unrecognized and unspoken by the others before him. All zealousness urges him to gather wealth, increase power and measure himself with others. Be careful to measure with another, for the pride is born here; it will lower you below the beasts, and will separate you from your brother and your splinter.

12. The wise man is driven by zeal, but the wise man hides the zeal. The wise man suffers when zeal leads to loss and fall, but the wise man always finds the loss of gain and the fall of the fall.

13. Truffle coldhearted the love of the heart and makes it in the guts and there is no inferiority than the man who no longer has love in his heart. For love is the first power, and its image is light. Make sure that your thoughts do not shudder, for you will come to the bottom.

14. The good thought and the wise word may ease your affliction, I can cool your heart, but it does not heal you; for man suffers as the pride grew in him, for suffering is the shadow of the truffle.

15. Do not bind the soul of anything worldly, of things, of beasts, of silver or of gold, for as they come they leave. After every day comes at night, and spring comes after spring, for this is so ordained, and so is the nature of things. Everything that is seen, is born, grows, and then returns from where they left. Only the nature of things remains pure, and it has innumerable and endless branches, and like the springs of your mind and soul, they are not visible. For a breath and a fire will grow all that grow - herbs, trees, beasts and people - and from the same hearth come and go to the same hearth, and this hearth is always.

16. As the tree grows near the little one without doing evil, so be the one between you, the great one not to smite the little one, nor to deceive his soul, for he will have a great duty to give, just as the hell . Throw a wood on the river and more will come from its top to you. Bring thanks to your fellow, bring light on your face and soul, and you will find them all later in your heart.

17. Do not take forcefully or delusively what is not yours, for the one who looks through your eyes is the same as the one looking through the eyes of the other. Take into account this mystery.

18. Do not hurry any work, for the pull of branches strikes back. The baking fruit is easy to take, the whole is hard to take and the taste is unpleasant. Do not hurry to gather what is before the time, for it will bitter your soul. As the frame grows, so the ridge grows and as the wheel grows it grows and drives.

19. Stay always in the coolness of your soul, but if the anger burns in you, realize that it will not pass by your word. Anger comes from fear and has not lived from the beginning in your heart; if she does not grow up, she turns back from where she left. Truffle closes the gate of wisdom, and the truffle puts itself beside the beasts. Wisdom is more precious than all that is seen with the eyes, it is the gold of your mind and soul, and it is the fruit of the knowledge watered by the weather.

20. Do not overwhelm your soul when you feel sorrow and helplessness, but rather seek to use them for the right, for in fruit you also have seed. It is not possible for a good seed to bear fruit. Greed always leads to loss, stealing always leads to illness, thoughts always lead to wandering, anger always strikes back, wickedness and untruth always bring impotence, pride always brings suffering.

21. Go to the spring when your soul is lit, come to the clear water, and wait until it becomes clean again. So will the fire of your soul, like that trouble, go.

22. Take good care of the seed's secret. Like they are your thoughts, and as the seed can not be without shell, so is the fruitful thought of man. The bark of fruitful thought is will, and without purpose, the thought dries and does not use anything. But the power is in the patience of the seed, and the will and the patience make the frail polluted to undo the earth.

23. At the time of your labor, lift up your heart to see your work before it is finished, for as the fruit announces its coming with a flower, so the action of man is seen by the one with clear mind and feeling before it is finished.

24. Take good account of the cause of the poor man, but also of the cause of the quick man, for none of them is natural. Poor man has many desperate thoughts and changes them from day to day, he speaks a lot, and laziness he covers his arms and legs. The quick one had either a hot and deceptive one, or he sees better the misfortune of another and seeks to deceive him, and from there he pulls his fast gear.

25. Be gentle and patient with those beside you, for as you do with them, so do others with you, for his feeling is the same as your feeling, from the same breath is his feeling, and the light it is seen through his eyes is from the same light as that seen through your eyes.

26. Where is the strength of man there is weakness, which raises him up and down; Stay in the limpidity of your mind and feel and you will see all this. The little one is above the great one, the light is over the heavy one, the weak is above the strong one, the gentle is above

the hot one. Clear to be your mind and feel, and all this.

27. The strength of the mountain comes from its patience, its tranquility, the rock is its only cover. But his strength is tried by the wind, by the smooth water. Take your strength from patience and from silence, and use it by the clarity of your thought, for not the disturbance of the spring produces the rock, but its clarity.

28. The work done out of fear has no long life, and its strength is like a flood of water. So it is with the disorder of men, it comes from outside, but it is called by their fear, but fear comes through ignorance, and ignorance gains power by untruth, laziness and truffle.

29. Soar the knowledge of those with a white beard and unbreakable wine and leaves the time to wear it wisely. They do not look at their weakened and mumbling body, for all this is their pay for knowing things and increasing wisdom.

30. Thank the earth for all that it offers, thank heaven for the rain that feeds the earth, thank the sun for the warmth and light of your house and your land, thank the moon for the peace of your sleep, thank the stars for watching your sleep, thank you mountain for the stories and the iron you take from it, thank the forest for everything you take from there, thank the spring for the water you drink, thank the tree for the works that show you, thank the good man that brings you joy and smile on chip.

31. As good grass grows with bad grass, so are the people, but they realize that their bad behavior is sown and increased for fear and inability, and the pride is their covering. Do not argue their behavior, and do not seek to straighten them out of speech and reproof, for the pressure on the wound does not heal. Is that grass bad only because it is bitter to your womb? So it is with man, if you want to direct it, bring to the beginning the thought and the feeling of what is good for both good man and evil man. One sees the wheel leaving, and another sees the wheel coming.

Who sees better?

32. Only the wise can see the clarity and tranquility of the mind and soul of the troubled one, for the wise one was once the same as the troubled one and the bitter fruits made him take into account the composition of his being. He ran away from his bitter fruit at the top of the mountain, and there he did not

escaped from them, fled in the middle of the forest, and behold, the fruit was with him, and then he looked inside, and behold, his bitter fruit was rooted in the mind and the sense of his lust.

33. Is a flower more beautiful than the other? Is it a more clear source than another? Is there grass above one another? Everybody has his strength, his beauty and his skill. It is in the nature of the forest to have various varieties of trees, grass, flowers and beasts. It does not resemble a finger with another from the same hand, but it takes everything to beat the iron. Is the apple more wise than plum or hair? Is your left hand better than right? Otherwise does the right eye see the right eye? The top ones have their own meaning and the bottom ones have their own purpose, the big ones have their own meaning and the small ones have their own purpose, the fast ones have their own purpose and the ones that are slow have their meaning, they had their purpose, and those that come will have their purpose.

34. Impossibility comes after wickedness and untruth, for what you give is what you receive, what you sow that you collect, but realize that the light of your soul and of the one next to you has the same fireplace and it remains unshaven. See what constantly disturbs the springs of your neighbor's mind and soul. Bring her peace in her soul, and the clearness in your mind, and your old age will be like your bloody tree, your bones and your strength will not weaken, and you will come back from where you came from, the warmth of your descendants.

35. There will always be someone under you, and there will always be someone above you. To those under you, to look with love and not with trumpet, for there are your roots, and with those on top of you to look with childish and fearless eyes.

36. The strong, the weak and the unseen are the ones that make up the world, and all these are found in man, and they all make up a whole. There is nothing to be out there and not to be inside. Take into account all this when you look up inside of you and find all the wisdom of the gods hidden in the unseen of your being. Gods have taken notice of this wisdom before man, and this brought them closer to the Living and Eternal Fire.

37. Remember that the beating of the heart, the flow of blood through the wound, the healing of the wounds, the beauty of the eyes, and the marvel of the body are made by the power and breath of the Living and Eternal Fire which is in each and whose face is in the light. But do not forget that the body is just a fraction of the little one you see.

38. The cleansing of the body and its delight in the senses puts you just a little higher than the beasts, for no pleasant sound raises you, no soft touch, no pleasant taste, no stench, no joy of the eyes. For where the heat is, there is also the cold, where the sweet is the bitter, where the pleasant is and the unpleasant, where the smell appears and the stench, and where it laughs, and the weeping waits.

39. But here is the way of beginning: the temperance in all that you do, the obedience of the elders and the wise ones, the diligence, the gratification of what you have, the frustration of untruth and the despair, the quarreling of anger and anger, . In the morning you wake up with them, day to keep them in mind, to have them in your sleep in the evening and so the anguish, lack, bitterness, helplessness, illness and wickedness of others will not touch you.

40. Beyond these are love, will, courage, patience, modesty, and they raise the man truly. These are the ones that draw near to the Eternal Fire, and through them, your path follows the way of the gods, but their burial throws you below the beasts. Only through them you receive true knowledge and wisdom, true power, true joy, true wealth, fruitful and enduring work.

41. But here is where love can arise and hate, where there can be the will and laziness, where the courage can appear and the fear, where patience, may appear and rush and where modesty can appear and pride. For there are also the things that are seen and those that are not seen in the human being. But all this is the one who feels, and over him is the one who thinks and he is the one who sees the motion in immeasurable, it is he who goes beyond all these virtues enjoys the knowledge and the peace that surpasses any joy, and the attention, the balance and clarity are its tools.

42. The troubled one sees the good as good and evil as evil, he is drawn to one and flies to the other, but the wise man sees both the beautiful and the ugly, he also feels the cold and the heat, and the fine and the harsh, he hears the pleasant and the unpleasant, the sweet and the sweet and bitter, he smells and smells and sighs, and does not judge between them. He sees that the nature of things is in all things, for the beautiful of the ugly is the one who draws the ugly from the beauty, the sweet was bitter in the beginning and it will be made bitter, the pleasant is born of the unpleasant and the unpleasant of pleasure. And all this illumines the soul of temptation because the good and good nourish and rejoice the body and its senses, and the unpleasant ones nourish its mind and wisdom, for it sees the renewal of things and the seeds of future joy.

43. It is not easy for the gods to walk, but never forget that man can embrace in his love more than he can encompass in his hatred, the heat rises more than the cold can descend, the one above is sees more than the one is underneath, the light stretches more than the burden stretches, the light straightened more than darkness can escape, the unifying power is greater than the power that divides.

44. Long and short have the same means; the small circle and the large circle, the small globe and the large globe at the same point are supported; invisible and vision the same place occupies; all the great ones are hidden in the little ones, and here is a great mystery of nature; the great among the wise is the one who understands it.

45. The wise one unites the one who sees the one who thinks, the one who feels with the one who does it, but the ghost divides them. Open your eyes well, for he who does, he who feels and he who thinks are like the clouds that come and go, but he who sees through your eyes is eternal and his light is shadowless. He is beyond life and death, beyond good and evil, beyond beautiful and ugly, beyond the flow of time.


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