Meditation Tips | How to find time in a busy schedule

in #andy6 years ago (edited)

Finding time to meditate can be perceived as a problem for all of us.

. .Because just face it life is busy and we have lots of things to do, lots of commitments, lots of responsibilities.

But when it comes to finding 15 minutes in the day there is actually an old saying that if you can't find that time you are probably suffering from excusitis.

If our lives are so kind of hectic that we can't even find ten minutes in the day what value are we actually putting giving to ourselves and our minds?

So our mindset plays an important part in how we move forward for every single interaction in our life, no matter with ourselves or with other people, or with the world around us.


If we can't give 15 minutes to ourselves . . then what are we actually doing?

If we want that heaven on earth happiness we may want to create a process that works for everyone and it starts with this.

I get up early and you can get up 15 minutes earlier too.

It's easy to make excuses but try to think of ways in which you can do and don't even entertain the "I can't-ness" of this or any thing that will benefit you.

The quality of rest in the body and the mind that we get from meditation is really a lot more -- especially in that later stage of sleep when we're a bit dozy in the morning -- it's far more effective.

So it's much better to get up 15 minutes earlier and do this than not to do this any kind of meditation at all. .


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