Thanks for the article, Andy. Very informative. I agree that governments around the world have abused fiat currency so badly in the last 300 years that they should never be allowed to have the power of currency again. Hence crypto-currencies, with their decentralized nature and borderless ability may be the self-adapting alternative.
But the governments do have us over a barrel on one item - they determine what each person owes them in taxes, and what they will accept in taxes. Given the nature of fiat currency, I am almost expecting the communist-like requirement of American schools that students give X number of hours of their time to "community service" before graduation to extend to paying taxes in the same way. I.e., when currency becomes worthless, the governments may insist their citizens "pay" in literal man-hours to a governmental function of the government's choice - street cleaning, social working, donation of time and property to an event, etc.