Aneurysm. How to be?

in #aneurysm9 years ago

None of the disease does not occur in a vacuum. So, if manifested aneurysm (bulging of the thin wall of the vessel, devoid of muscle fibers with poor circulation), so was the background – atherosclerotic or congenital. Often the cause of the disease is hypertension, atherosclerosis, diabetes or rheumatism. The disease may be preceded by strong emotion or physical exertion, even overheating in the sun. In this regard, it is very important to find out the cause of the disease and deal with prevention.workshop
Acupressure for diseases of the vessels:

Daily massaging little fingers, you will strengthen the nervous system.
Acting on your thumbs – you will strengthen the psyche.
Bioactive points on the face associated with the brain. Study them once a week.
The massage is carried out daily for 10-12 minutes and very carefully.
Pain dots indicate stagnation.
Acupressure massage of the buttocks – is the sensation of heat. Promotes blood flow to brain over the blood down.
Useful careful combing of the hair with a brush from forehead to neck.

And as a conclusion. Never lose hope for a full recovery. No one except you will not help you. Faith is the most powerful factor in the treatment. Our body has great compensatory ability. Example – the famous French scientist Louis Pasteur, who in 46 years died from a brain hemorrhage. He had a paralyzed left arm and leg. But Paster recovered! And made my life great discoveries. By the way, vaccines against rabies and anthrax are the result of his research work.

In order to return the tissues to their natural functions to be restored capillary system, to create new avenues of blood supply to the organs.
Flowering heads of red clover have the ability to reduce clotting and blood viscosity. You can use the tincture of the heads of clover within 2 weeks. Drink 1 tbsp before bed. The course is 3 months, 2 weeks break.
Flowers of hawthorn or leaves and fruits in the form of tincture or decoction taken orally. A 10% tincture in vodka drink 25-30 drops in 1/3 glass of water before a meal. The infusion can be replaced by a tincture 1 tablespoon of flowers in 1 Cup of boiling water for an hour, drink 0.5 glass.
Tincture of horse chestnut increases the elasticity of blood vessels, reduces blood viscosity.
The flowers and leaves of buckwheat in the form of infusion drink without dosage (1 tbsp. l. raw insist 1 hour in 1-2 cups of boiling water).
Infusion of crushed plant knotweed (knotweed), Polygonum pochechuynaya (1 tbsp to 1 Cup of boiling water) to drink regularly for 3 weeks.
The infusion of the red cap mushroom vodka is the inside of 5-10 drops per tablespoon water 3 times a day.
Onion in the juice diluted with water or infusion drink Cup 2 times a day.
Broth 3 teaspoons of chopped dandelion root in 2 cups of water. Boil for 5-10 minutes, drink coffee.
A decoction of the bark of mountain ash, 200 g simmer 2 hours in 1 liter of water, take 1 tablespoon before meals 3 times a day. The course is 1 month.
Cleanses the blood vessels the infusion of fennel seeds with Valerian root and honey. A useful decoction of chamomile, immortelle, St. John's wort and birch buds, also with honey.
Improve cerebral circulation hot baths for hands and feet. Acupressure spine, especially the neck area – a proven tool for centuries. The poor functioning of the spine impedes blood flow to the brain.

For more efficient cleaning of vessels should adhere to this diet to 80-90 percent of it consisted of vegetable products such as beets, apples, garlic, black currants, cranberries, horseradish, onion, strawberry, cabbage, and flowers of dandelion, clover, rose, violet, acacia, lime leaves, raspberries, ash, strawberry, tansy, plantain. Very useful in these cases sour milk and buckwheat – strengthens the walls of blood vessels and clean them. Tones the blood vessels green tea with lemon and sugar.

And it is crucial to the condition of the nervous system. Try to external irritation would "slip" past you, causing destruction of the body.
#aneurysm #health #recipes