Reasons why you should love by our enemies

in #anger7 years ago

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In life, we all have enemies, no doubt there are some individuals who takes pleasure in causing others so much pain and misery. Most times the development and enhancement of an enemy is as a result of specific differences in our behaviors and characters and other situations that have led to that. Most at times, some people just hate or dislike you for no reason.

Irrespective of how you got this enemy, as per in paradigm of fighting fire with fire, consider the following reason and see why you should by all means appreciate your enemies.

Why You Should Love Your Enemies

  • It’s a practical lesson in anger management
    This might sound funny, but to be honest, your enemies are the best people to understand your sense of anger management. Your enemies are mostly the one's who bring out your worst anger, this can help in your quest to have that anger controlled or managed. All the same you can't get angry at someone you love, you learn to manage your anger when you're offended.

Your enemies are like the therapists who you need, but actually don’t want. Inasmuch as you might want to hate them, they provide you an opportunity to control the anger impulse that you have.

  • It’s an opportunity for healthy competition
    Probably you might not know that your enemies make great rivals as they harness the spirit of competition in you. You get the right inspiration to compete with, and this can go a very long way to spur your victory. All the same, while doing so, it is also fundamental to remember not to be your worse version when competing. It's usually tricky when you're working against an adversary. You need to try as much as possible to ensure you don't harm yourself in the process.

The truth is that enemies bring only toxic emotions and generate bad reactions from you. If you’re truly to live a prosperous life, you can’t really be carrying all this baggage around. Hate is bad, and you should try all you can to get rid of it. It is a well-known fact that nobody can get really far in life while carrying a lot of emotional baggage. Well, hate is the biggest form of emotional baggage there is.