Control Your Anger

in #anger7 years ago

"Became angry and went to be dropped" Regardless of this proverb, it is sometimes difficult to control anger.
Many people have a tendency to suddenly get angry.
They did not have any unnecessary events in their anger, and they did not understand.
Actually, the biggest loss is due to anger itself.
The 'angarr management' or anger control is an important issue around the world. Find out some tips.

Suddenly, if you think the situation is going out of your control due to anger, take a little time. Pull the breath three times a lot. St. Louis University's Assistant Professor of Community and Family Medicine Robert Nicholson said that the brain's brain became excited when angry. During this time breathing increases the oxygen supply to the brain. If you do not get angry or angry, it is possible to control the anger and get the brain out of itself.
Dr said the situation was going to increase in anger. It has the opportunity to avoid such situations.
Do not be rude in any way 'to denote yourself repeatedly. South California renowned psychiatrist Dr. Tina Tesina said that there is nothing on her will to deal with anger.
Take a walk. Get yourself a little bit of time to come back from the situation.
If you feel angry, the environment can make the mood lighten.
Do a job before it explodes. Set the mobile timer for 2 minutes Stay calm for 2 minutes. This time the anger will be reduced.
Do not try to contact the person who is angry with them. Instead of talking to the phone or messenger, write a letter rather than him.
Do not keep the anger in mind. Tell a close friend or someone who can tell you about your anger. Discuss Open
If you get angry, then take a different look before it's release. You can do any of the choices or eat food. It will calm down.

Information: Readers Digest


Anger is very bad for human. Meditation is a great way to control anger.

r8 said bro...its one of the ways....

its really tough to controll our anger.

but we need to control for ourselves

Anger can never make people happy.

Serious decision should'nt be made in anger. We should control our self.

we always have to do tht

রাগ, ক্রোধ, ক্ষোভ কোনও কিছুই ভালো নয়।

these makes our lives unhapy and troubled

to control anger is not a easy task.....👹

Anger, anger, anger, nothing good.

Anger destroy the people.