Eco Lamps and Home Goods

in #aniawerner3 years ago

Hi Everybody,

My name is Ania Werner, and I am a designer, who cares for previous and afterlife of products, as recent overproduction times need, so, I decided to find the right material to make it right.
After noticing, that there is a perfect, undervalued creating material everywhere, being wasted and treated like a trash, I decided to change it, and tell everybody, that there is an importance to save it from being wasted. I didn't have to search for a long time, just a trip to the bin was enough. It was around 2001, when it was still possible to sell to recycling your collection of paper, but not many people did it, the times before segregation.

What I saw was very scary.

There were tones of beautiful matter just lying there. Getting dirty and wet. Used once, and sometimes not even serving it's purpose, because, who read milions of flyers? Who cares about extra packaging made of paper? Who is thinking about where The Paper comes from? How much energy, water and chemicals is needed to produce a tiniest scrap of paper packaging? What kind of paints are used to print all those happy faces luring us to buy trash?
Let's get real here. We, as a human race, surprisingly are enjoying to produce waste and destruction, to think only about own pleasure or profit.

Realising all that, I dreamed about home goods made of material, which can be recycled endlessly to recreate products, which have to keep up with constant changes in the fashion kaleidoscope. I dreamed about material, which doesn't use a lot fuel energy to precess it, so I decided to dedicate my creative powers to Paper, and to show it's precious beauty.

#MakeYourLamp #PaperPetuum #recycle #paper





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