butterflies that often come to us sometimes we sometimes in a park, so with his presence adds to the atmosphere more fun and feels more natural as we are enjoying this natural landscape .
It turns out the cat does not get along with his brother butterflies, just look at the action of the sweet who attacked the butterflies while the butterflies are doing pollen on a sprig of yellow flowers .
Best regards @adikuala to all my steemians friends and my respect for @goodkarma
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Cats have 300 million neurons; dogs have about 160 million
Cats have 300 million neurons; Dogs have around 160 million you are right but logically I think cats are more aggressive in terms of scouts and ambushes and lethal from the other side of a reliable cat in berberu because I think the cat is the brother of the tiger only the ukurun and beentuk that distinguishes it.
A cats field of vision is about 185 degrees.
You are right
Retractable claws are a physical phenomenon that sets cats apart from the rest of the animal kingdom. I n the cat family, only cheetahs cannot retract their claws.