When we first took over our land, we literally had hundreds of the little scourges. I have been stung a few times, but I can tell you from experience that the big ugly black ones are the worst. Even the little black ones cause a big problem for me and necessitate a trip to the hospital. The sting from these just gets worse and where ever I am stung swells up almost instantly. I guess you would say I am allergic to them.
The key to controlling them, naturally, since spraying the little scum didn't do a lot, except lighten my wallet, first, don't kill your spiders or remove their webs. They like to eat scorpions.
Plant lots of lavender. I have it planted all the way around my house and have lavender potpourri throughout the house. Citrus works well too.
Keep the yard clean of debris and wood piles. They love wood piles. We stack ours further from the house and place detterents around it too.
Some pets are very adepted at catching and killing scorpions. We have cats that will catch them and then leave the dead carcus for me to clean up. Nice. The least they could do is bury it...
If we know we have an influx of the critters, we sometimes do a night hunt with a black light. They will fluoresce (glow in the dark). You can then dispose of them as you will, but remember they are quick.
We also sprinkle Diatomaceous Earth around the outside of the house, the chicken coop, the wood pile and other areas such as the garden where we know the scorpions lie to hide. In the past year we have had two in the house. That is a vast improvement!
howdy there cecicastor! so you used to have them in the house real bad too huh? At least you got that pretty much eliminated. yeah our place doesn't have anything anywhere to hide, it's super clean for that reason and we use Diatomaceous Earth also.
The only thing we haven't done is get cats, that's what everyone say to do, and plant lavender, I haven't heard of that one.
Sounds like the black ones are bad! thankfully we don't have those.
thanks so much for reading and commenting.