Do Pets Make You Happy?

in #animal7 years ago (edited)

Pets come with a ton of responsibilities. They need to be fed regularly, bathed/cleaned regularly, and of course, you need to play with them regularly. Let's not talk about the cleaning that goes along with keeping a pet. I am not a dog owner, but the sight of people picking up dog poops with their hands is enough to make me not want to get a dog. All forms of pets require some sort of cleaning, whether changing the papers underneath their pooping area, or sands where they hide their poop. Bathing can be a difficult task as well if your pet is not into bathing. Caring for a pet is a at least 40% (in my opinion) like raising a kid.

Despite all that hard work and expenses, 63% of American households' harbor at least one pet [Source: American Pet Products Association].

They are Good Companions


Pets are good friends; Friends you can trust. They will always be there when you get home, probably very excited to see you, unless it's a python. I never understood how snakes can be pets. I get shivers merely thinking about a snake crawling up my hands. Then again, for some people they are great companions. No judgement! "Please kill the snakes in your home."


Pets are not there to judge you. They are just always there for you. As a pet owner, you are the singe important being in their existence. We all love to feel important and loved, and pets can provide us with those feelings. We love to attach ourselves with others (humans or living things) and a pet is risk free companion. We don't have to worry about getting hurt, because your pet will never leave you till "death do us part." A recent survey by the American Veterinary Medical Association found that more than 50% of pet owners think of their pets as companions. After a long day at work, or in painful emotional situations, a pet can be your best friend to provide you with comfort and companionship. A great deal of pet owners will tell you that they talk to their pets. It only shows that we bond with them and they "do" provide us with companionships.

Pets are Stress Reducer

Who doesn't like being greeted by a pet with much excitement after a long day at work? When we are stressed with billion tasks, or just angry at our "dumb" boss, or just don't understand why our spouses won't put their dirty clothes in laundry basket, seating down with our pet(s) on your laps can calm us the F down. Especially if your pet is giving you thousands of slobbery wet kisses. There was a study that put individuals in stressful situations along with their pets or spouses. Study found that people with their pets had lower stress response and better recovery time [Source: Grimshaw]. Some hospitals or elderly care centers have pets in their premises to provide comfort to the sick or lonely.

Pets are not for everyone. Everyone who is contemplating on getting a pet need to think through if they can truly provide care and be a good companion. It is a two-way companionship. Neglecting a pet or abusing a pet, because you can't deal with them, or you don't have time is not okay. However, if you think you can care for them, then they can be your best friend and a great companion. Just the stress they can take away is worth the responsibility they come with.


I , like u am not a dog person, we do have a dog in the home , but he’s my other half’s dog! I will occasionally pet her & play with her , but everything else is his job! Lol ... don’t get me wrong she’s unconditionally loved in our home! I love her protection! But I’m more of a cat person.. & finally after a few years I just got to kittens, rescued from a shelter.. they make me happy, & content ! Yes animals ( pets ) are hard work but I think we need them as much as they need us!

It's a wonderful feeling to have a bond with unconditional love with our pets. I am glad that his god, and your kittens have such wonderful people to care for them. Thanks for letting us know...

His dog is a pain in the ass

I concur @davedickeyyall , Lol she is a lil loopy! And to much energy! I’m amazed at how well she’s getting along with the kittens! Charlie the boy.. soo wants to play with her but she just doesn’t know her strength! I don’t want anyone getting hurt!!

@finisher I agree it’s an unconditional Love between a pet and the owner! Even if the pup is a little spazzie sometimes! ( a lot ) of the time! Lol I still love her!! 💜

If only we knew everything they were thinking! Often I feel that we, as humans, really don't deserve what they give to us.

Like "mamabear72" said, "I think we need them as much as they need us!". It's a bond of unconditional love...

I Cannon live without Our dog ( See one off My blogs ) and we’ve got a Second one coming!
Have a Nice day

Charlie is a handsome one.....Love his expression. Hope the bath went well...

the dog looks happy with the owner😂

Most animals are happy with their owners, but it is also important to raise awareness for the animals that are victim to cruelty.... Thanks for reading the post.

My dog made me extremely happy. He was such a great part of my life and I miss him every day. I will be getting me another but not any time soon.

I know what you mean. Post pics when you get your new dog.

We have two dogs and two cats and they are all a pain in the butt when it comes to the responsibility, but they are very much worth it for the love and companionship they give. They all have their own personality and bring a special dynamic to our family. Your article is very easy to relate to, well done.

Thank you. That's a lot to handle; Not sure how you do it....

Every animal comes with effort an der has pros and cons. I grew up with a cat which became 19 years old and i can say she lighten up my heart and was a good "friend" over the years !!

19 years? Long time...Glad you got to enjoy her companionship. Must have been heart breaking loosing her.

My dog is my everything. She's amazing. Totally worth it.

They usually's just hard taking a walk outside some days.