This worm is purplish-red and is a hermaphrodite animal (has 2 genitals in one body). The body is long and cylindrical goblets In the last segment there is anus and usually called anal anus. Sexually reproduce. Most live in fresh water or on land. Hermaphrodite, has no parapodia and there are several setae (feathers) on each segment. There is a mouth on the anterior part of the first segment and anus on the posterior side. His body is segmented and clitobium. This worm is seen in each segment. Food worm Pheretima sp. consisting of leaves, remnants of plants or animals present in the soil. The materials are collected at night where the animal is active out of hiding and scratching the ground with its tail.
hopefully you who see it nambah again his knowledge is only this that I can show thanks.
Follome @busy thanks