Dogs are truly incredible. We are constantly awed by their unconditional love for their humans (this rescue dog is one of our favorite examples). And of course, they’re just so darn adorable—as evidenced by this too-cute-for-words German Shepherd who won Best in Show at Westminster this year.
But whether you have a special pooch in your life, an imaginary puppy (an Italian Greyhound named Dingus that wears turtlenecks, anyone?), or an obsession for all things canine, who doesn’t love learning more about girl’s best friend? Okay let’s finish up the story and comes to the actual point of topic
Puppies are born incompletely developed — that means blind and deaf.
A dog’s whiskers are scientifically known as vibrissae, and they are so touch-sensitive
they can pick up on tiny changes in airflow
A dog's nose has 300 million receptors (a human has only 5 million) and some dogs have bee
n trained to detect certain cancers or diseases in humans by smell.
Their noses are so unique, that every dog has its own nose print, just like humans have unique fingerprints
Dogs have two times the amount of muscles in their ears than humans
In Palding, Ohio, it is legal for a police officer to bite a barking dog to keep it quiet.
Some dogs can identify the smell of lung cancer from sniffing a person’s breath.
More dogs are called Max, Jake, Maggie or Molly than any other pet names.
Studies have shown that obedient dogs live longer lives than pugnacious pugs
When drinking water, dogs cup the back of their tongues to transfer water from the bowl into their mouths.
Dog body odour often called "Frito Feet," referring to bacteria collected on dogs' paws that
often smell like the popular salty snack.
Female dogs bite double the amount of males. Call them the biters!
A typical dog has a mouthful of 42 permanent teeth, while the average human has 32.
For running purposes, the shoulder blades on dogs are not attached to the rest of the skeleton.
Dogs have feelings, too! Canines show agitated behavior when they see other
dogs getting treats while they are left in the dust.
The priciest dog in the world, a Tibetan Mastiff, was recently bought
in China for $1.5 million.
A dogs' first sense to develop is touch.
Spiked dog collars were used in ancient Greece to protect dogs' throats from wolf attacks.
It is illegal to keep a dog as a pet in Iceland.
A dog’s third eyelid (yes, it has THREE) is a protective lid called a "haw"
which keeps moisture in its eyes.
Dogs have two times the amount of muscles in their ears than humans.
Dogs' sense of hearing can reach four times the distance of humans.
Walt Disney’s family dog was a Poodle named Lady.
Dogs actually do sweat, but only through the pads on their paws..
Thank you readers for sticking till the end. I hope you learned something interesting from here!
The first dogs were self-domesticated wolves which, at least 12,000 years ago, became attracted to the first sites of permanent human habitation.