AnimalMomentium #4 - Put your plastic where your mouth is - not in a Kardashian bum - The Ocean Cleanup!!!!!!!

in #animal7 years ago


  • Garbage Island will likely double in size in the next ten years according Charles Moore (scientist).
  • Scientist found plastic in 9% of ‘Garbage Patch’ fishes
  • General plastic facts:  
    • 7 billion pounds of non recyclable plastic are produced every year
    • Scientific research showed that the chemicals in plastic have been  found in people living on Americas, Europe and Asia. This leads in some  occasions in limited or no possibility to reproduce (make babies)
    • 7% of the plastic in the U.S. is recycled

So my inspiration and narrative i need to warn you will fluctuate according to what resonates across my radar from day to day and what is relevant to us as humans that give a shit about something other than the latest sports results or what new composite concrete a Kardashian might be injecting into their butt. The more i think about these celebrities, the influence and resources they have at their disposal and how they select to distribute these resources remains a mystery as large as the Bermuda Triangle, which is now how i refer to a certain posterior. 'Many Bothans died, to bring us this information'. 'That's no moon, that's a celebrity BUTT!

More importantly i personally need for any audience to realize that the elements, ideas, movements and issues i mention are what tug at my heart strings blended with a gigantic wall of reality/frustration. If i could leave my corporate world today, and fight yesterday then i would. My goal is to support myself financially to the point where i can support myself in every way, and kick some f$^%ing ass.  

Has anyone ever seen the clip from the movie 'WANTED' where the main character wes quits his job and exacts revenge upon a crappy colleague? Poor pratt. This scene was genius, for i feel it captured how many feel working, grinding, flaking away in a cubicle.

Don't get me wrong, my job is great but id rather be out boarding whaling ships like the Dread Pirate Roberts and hammering sense (physically) into captains/humans. In the meantime i can get completely behind a young and brilliant visionary like Boyan Slat.

At the ripe old age of 23 he has achieved more than most of us will in a lifetime - that is not a gripe against humanity - its a bloody uppercut to the face to say:

WAKE THE FUCK UP BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



It seems like a big deal i KNOW - im not off the grid or growing my own veggies - I would never suggest that im the perfect human GUEST on this planet but that's what i am, that's what all of us are. GUESTS! To think that we inherit this earth is super nice and fuzzy warm, but when your inheriting the equivalent of an angry, disoriented and melancholic version of the earth we have to start asking questions. I cant rely on my local, national government to address the issues that i deem heavy as fuck. The reason why, and as always fundamentally comes down to human nature and GREED. 

I don't trust politicians or media either, i trust ME. The difference is i know that i might be wrong, will anyone else admit the same like i will? Listen to other ideas? Fuck id LOVE to think so brothers and sisters!

Does anyone else????? 

Spock . 'When The needs of the many. outweigh the needs of the few"


I grew up on a world heritage listed island and litter to the islanders is considered an insult, a slap in the face. Re-steeming because people should be more mindful of the long term impacts their negligence may cause.

So what your saying is that you support our cause i hope? Its really a two-prong attack. Our jobs (volunteerism) is to display these acts of disgrace, my friend nigel is tackling the bigger problem of trying to shift the way that people view, and most times ignore these problems we highlight. Will you join our momentium, add to the commentary and try to change this epidemic via hearts, minds and thoughts?? I cannot wait for your reply/input. We need more soldiers, for this is indeed an army with very few numbers, but universal ideas. To the benfefit of all that we hold dear, and then some


That last picture is pretty graphic mate, but for me it sums it up nicely.

I'd like to consider the picture for a bit... While I have a desire to turn away or think yuck why would I want to look at that?...these days instead I ask, why wouldn't I want to look? instead I stare and examine how that makes me feel and I ask myself why am i so intimidated by the truth?

Perhaps there is some truth in the answer - that I have been programmed not to look.

...I use to think, I don't want to think or talk about this stuff, my life is already too busy and stressed to carry this weight as well....maybe if i pretend I don't know or didn't see... it might go away? of course I could always blame someone else and say nothing I can do

I believe the weight of human based systems is suppressing our connections to nature, while the very rich laugh and just go on exploiting - its easy! and all stitched up.

This sux bro! but there is the micro sense, as you suggest, we all need to do the right thing, lead by example and be a defender for a macro sense, get talking about the largely avoided questions - Bro I am so looking forward to chatting more about this stuff (without barriers) and gauging the Steemit Community for more views.