The American pitbull terrier has frequently been seen as too aggressive a dog, and has become the most "malignant" dog in modern times because of two words "PIT BULL".
- Although technically the generic name "BULL" does not exist as a specific breed, the horror stories of some media have made the general public consider the breed, the powerful American Pitbull Terrier to the wrinkled Sharpie Chinese. To deal with this threat, many well-intentioned but ill-advised laws have been enacted, not only in the United States but throughout the world as well.
- In the midst of all this confusion, and there is really no other way of discovering the current situation, there is in common a particular breed that has become the most "malignant" dog at the present time, because the breed is called Those two terribly dreadful words "PIT BULL".
Before selecting a PitBull Puppies keep in mind.
- It is much easier to evaluate the robust and short-haired breeds, when they are small cubs, than to long-breeds breeds. Indeed, it is easy to see exactly the puppy's complexion, his muscular development and his movements. However, before making the final decision about the breed and / or puppy, consider in detail all the factors in your home.
- Notice the evaluation of the puppy. The selection of a pitbull puppy can be quite difficult, the ideal pitbull puppy is square body, with prominent head, and a somewhat cheeky appearance, along with a social and friendly disposition. The puppy must be sure of himself, never shy, and must be well socialized with people and if possible with children and other animals. Must be active and lively. The joy of living that is observed in the puppy must endure in adolescence and continue into adulthood. (Do not be put off by their appearance).
Great post ☻ Resteemed ♥
Bellísimos perritos!!!
Que bellos!