9 Facts About Snails It's Astonishing, Got Legs and 14 thousand Teeth

in #animal7 years ago

The owner of the garden is always advised to find the best way to stop the snails coming and chewing their plants. Recent research has found that if you move them about 20 meters from your garden, they will not return.

A commonly used method is to use chemical feeds. Regardless of his assumption as a pest, there are nine facts about the snails that are astonishing and need you to know!

Let's see the explanation.

° 1. Animals that can live longer than other animals.

The length of life of a snail depends on each species specific species and in which habitat they live in. Some can only live for 5 years. Whereas if lucky enough, anyone can live up to 25 years.

° 2. It turned out that the snails also have legs.
Maybe a snail is seen just moving on one leg. But there is one major long muscle in the forefront that they use to grasp and pull their bodies above the ground.

° 3. Animals that are not poisonous? Sure?
Water snail species are mostly toxic but most land snails do not. If you get sick after eating a land snail, probably because the cooking is not right or you have a certain allergy. Sea cone snail is one of the most deadly animals in the world. Only with one sting can cause death.

° 4. Support each other snail to move faster.
The mucus that the slugs leave on the ground will smooth out their walking place and let them slide with minimal friction. With this body function too, snails are often seen walking together and forming a path to speed up each other's snails through the mucus they leave behind.

° 5. Animals are super selaw.
Apart from the mucus that makes them move faster, it is no secret that a snail is one of the late animals in the world. They usually move at a steady pace but can reach speeds of about 46 m / h or about 1.3 cm / sec.

° 6. You can eat the mucus left by slugs.
Yes, you can eat the mucus left by the snails. There is a myth that circulating snail mucus causes the food to be edible. But apparently with the right handling, this mucus can be eaten kok. Several studies have found that mucus snails are useful for treating heartburn or gastric ulcers.

° 7. Almost no power of sight let alone hearing.
Snails are almost completely blind and have no hearing mechanism at all. With this deficiency, they have a remarkable olfactory ability. They can even smell the existence of food for a few meters, which for animals of their size it includes a great distance.

° 8. If you go to the dentist, the cost for a snail must be very expensive.
You may not even think of seeing a snail, but they do have teeth. The average garden snail has 14,000 teeth. Teeth are used to cut and cut food. The teeth are regularly lined up in the form of a radula. Radules generally have 120 lines with a collection of 100 teeth each, for which the teeth number 12,000. Some species even have 20,000 teeth. The laying of the tooth and its shape varies each type.

° 9. There is a unique way of annihilation to see its potential as an agricultural pest.

** Well, so you know right now about the facts about snails. Snails are not just street animals that appear more often during the rainy season. **