Greetings and good day janton. This is a cool post! Yes, I kinda know that this bird is smart. We have a lot of this bird here too. They are all over in the waterfront with the geese, but they keep their distance from each other.
I didn't know the story about the girl and the crow in Seattle until you mentioned it. And I find that interesting and cool, actually.
I think crows and other animals have emotions and for crows particularly they know how to form a bond to those who are kind to them. Sometime ago, I've read in some tabloid in the internet about how male crow goes into courtship with the female crow. It was a very interesting read because it mirrors somewhat to this story of this girl in Seattle. It said that when a male crow's attracted, he'll follow the female and stay close to her to find out where she lives and what she likes. Then he begins by building her a nice nest using twigs and stuff everyday until he finishes it. To make the story short, towards the end he gave her a heart pendant necklace and he placed it in the middle of the house or nest that he built for her. See crow birds are romantic too.
And another thing, these birds if you are mean to them they remember faces and won't forget. So, you might want to duck when you see one and not be near it, lol. It might scratch your face. lol
haha! crows are romantic too.. wow that's news to me but maybe it's true. well having emotions would explain giving gifts to that little girl.
what par of the country did you say you were?
Hi janton, how are you this fine lovely afternoon? How's your weather there now? Still very hot? Here is 70F mostly cloudy, looking at my window i think it's a real nice day. I'll be doing my walk later.
You didn't know that animals have emotions? Of course they do, lol.
Oh, I didn't get to tell you where am from...? thought I did, didn't I? Btw, is what I'm from important...? ha ha ha
howdy again roger5120! 70 degrees where you're at? so you gotta be North for it to be that mild.
well, I knew that animals have fear if that's an emotion. I'm talking about birds though, I know dogs have emotions. I'm just talking about birds.
yes where you're from is very important. I can understand things about you better. your history, ancestry and general traits. don't you think it's important?
Good morning janton. Hope you're doing good this lovely morning and stay cool cause it's hot in there. In the NW weather has been good for a couple of weeks now, it's 59F right now.
ha, i think animals have emotions to include birds. The birds twits when they're happy. They kick or paddle their feet when they're swimming. I'm sure they have feelings, lol. How can they multiply if they don't have feelings?
I see. hmmm... all that? well, in that sense I guess you're right. But you know, I think I'm an open book, but private in many ways. Ha, If you know what I mean.
howdy again roger5120! so you are an open book until I ask you a personal question? lol.
lol...yeah, i know right? Because when somebody ask me they never say origin, but what made you ask that anyway?
oh well because of the way you write, it doesn't sound 100% American so I was pretty sure English wasn't your first language. It's good though.