the freshwater ornamental Sumatran is a small fish species consisting of Cyprinidae tribe. These fish are widely traded as ornamental fish.Ciri â € "characteristics of fish Sumatra:
Small body size
Total length from head to tail up to 70 mm
The body is yellowish with four dark upright ribbons
Side lines are not perfect, 22-25 pieces with only 8-9 scales
The tail rod is surrounded by 12 scales
Sumatran fish are naturally widespread in the Malay Peninsula, Sumatra and Borneo. These fish are often found in shallow rivers with medium currents both clear and turbid. Sumatra fish like pH between 6.0 â € "8.0, water hardness between 5â € 19 dGH, and water temperature range between 20â €" 26 Â ° C
The friendship of friends will make the relationship of brotherhood with friends become stronger, mutual respect though sometimes different opinions. Do not underestimate each other, aware of the shortcomings and strengths of each and are determined to complement and cooperate
Nice info