Romeo likes to shower a few times a week and takes longer showers than anybody in the house. He is 4 years old and his longest shower was hours. We like to give him a shower on days where we know we will be leaving him alone for a long number of hours, though for him a long number of hours is 6. He doesn't like to be away from us but will spend the whole day grooming himself and keeps him busy enough to not really want to be bothered. Even after he is dry he doesn't like to be "scratched' too much, he doesn't want his feathers all messed up. He is a really special member of the family, it's hard to call him a pet and any Macaw only would know exactly what I am talking about. I have broken this 1.5 hour shower into something hopefully the right length for enjoyment. I hope you like it!
▶️ DTube
My video is not produced, but even so an amazing parrot and neat is visible :)
Video is uploaded through my uploader, and it's playing for me (almost instant!)
i was just telling someone on discord about this, this was a really fat file, i forgot to use handbrake and it wouldn't run on my i9 32bg Corsair....pinned it. runs on my i3 laptop, actually pinned on my i3 laptop node. Amazing tech for sure @techcoderx That video uploaded straight through DTube would have failed, mulitiple times until the bottleneck opens up. Instant!
thank you very much! This is the stuff we learn on discord @vostokarmy @onelovedtubeOneloveDTube Uploader and you should try it out, it's amazing. Almost as amazing as parrot hugs!! @techcoderx created the
I had so much fun watching him have his shower! What a sweet bird! I have a male Holland Lop rabbit.. and a doe as well. They are so much fun to take care of and have around the house :)
Thank you for sharing his shower @vladivostok
I resteemed <3
thank you :) he is really sweet sometimes
I like rabbits too, had a really cool one as a kid, named Toast, but never had a doe,,,,,what's that like?
Its great! I am allergic to most animals.. dogs/cats and so on.. but for some reason I am not allergic to bunnies.. it is kind of weird. My male is totally toilet trained.. but the female poops so she has to stay in her area.. the boy can run all over.. he goes up and down the stairs.. its kind of funny to see it. When he gets the urge he just sits on his toilet hehe.. Talk soon Vlad :D
different dander i suppose. My wife is really allergic to other animals and not Romeo, he is pretty dusty too. Toilet trained is great, so is Romeo, he flies to his stand to poop, and even sleeps on my pillow .....reading as I type, so he actually sits on the toilet?
Yes I call it his toilet. It is a litter pan sort of. Rabbits also eat their own poop to help with digestion. So it is quite funny to watch him go.. and then he turns around and has a snack! hehehe
rabbits do have a lot of personality, mine was an outdoor bunny, he slept on the top of his cage and wandered around the neighborhood, and would go into neighbors backyards and eat their flowers :) I like to watch them chew
Yes they really are fun to watch them eat! They have funny little mouths! hehe I hold mine like babies and rock them in my arms.. with so many kisses!! They are my babies.. <3
this is my girl bunny.. her name is Bella <3
Uh oh! Couldn't watch it.. It's like, you're ready for a shower Rome and stuck there.. for.. ever. T^T
he loves it so much, he is really shy for the camera still, he usually talks a lot more but he knew he was being filmed. have to keep working with him. glad you got to see him naked :)
I have tried it with Mango and he loves to sit for hours preening make sure he is the perfect specimen. I have a squirty bottle that I also use to spray him on hot days and he spreads his wings out and dries in the sun.
I have stopped taking him in personally to the shower as it is hectic as the claws and beak become serious weapons. I like your set up with the perch and think instead of having a stand I will work something out.
He used to shower on my back ... he would come in in my shoulder and I would do my morning stretches but when we left the country and he stayed here I set this perch up... works perfectly cause I can remove it :) I can show you how I did it if you want :) not too hard at all
Wow, I had no idea people gave baths to their birds haha
haha, they live in the rain forest and get daily baths and love it
Romeo loves it!!!
When he got soaked was hilarious hahah, beautiful animal man
thank you,,i love watching him play in the water :) he really is a beautiful creature.
Fantastic video!!! He takes a bath alone !!! amazing!!
yea, he loves it so much...tonight he will be really happy cause the day after a show he is really to cuddle again and so clean :)
I can see that he really likes the water! He wasn't in any hurry to get out, was he? :-)