All birds of prey have very sharp eyesight, which they depend on to find prey, but eagles are amazingly different in this aspect. Often times, I have seen eagles plung swiftly to catch preys and I have always wondered where they got their abilities from. Eagles can see at least four times as much details as humans. This is due to these few Essential Anatomical Adaptation.
Large pupils which minimize diffraction.
A ridge over each eye that shields sunlight.
A higher concentration of cone cells in the eye.
All these ensure the eagle's Incredible accuracy of locating preys, often at a distance of hundreds of yards. Hence we have the term ''eagle eye'' for people who display sharp vision.
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Eagles are large, powerful built birds of prey, with heavy heads and large hooked beaks for ripping flesh from their prey, strong muscular legs and powerful talons. The beak is typically heavier than that of most other birds of prey. Most eagles are larger than any other raptors apart from some vultures.
The Scientific Classification of Eagle
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Aves
Order: Accipitriformes
Family: Accipitridae.
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The Four Major Groups of Eagles
Fish Eagles: Sea or fish eagles takes fish as a large part of their diet.
Booted Eagles: True or booted eagles have feathered tarsi (lower legs).
Snake Eagles: Serpent or snake eagles are adapted to hunting reptiles.
Giant Forest Eagles: Harpy or giant forest eagles are large eagles that inhabit tropical forests.
Eagles Flock Together
When they mix with other birds, they are there to find something to eat and then take off. --- As the old saying goes, "Birds of the same feathers flock together." Eagles only enjoy flying at their high altitude. This makes them unique. An eagle will never surrender to the size or strength of its prey. It will always give a fight to win its prey or regain its territory. Successful leaders are fearless and protect their subjects.
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Eagles See a Long Distance Prey or Enemy
Eagles have strong vision, so they can identify their prey and focus on it until they get it. At the same time, an eagle can see its enemy from afar, such as snake trying to sneak into its nest to steal its egg or to kill its young. Though eagles build their nests on high rocks and places, snakes have a tendency and ability to climb to them. But the strong vision of eagles keeps the enemies away from its nest. Their eyes are specially designed for long distance focus and clarity. They can spot another eagle soaring from 50 miles away. A Successful leader must have a vision that guides and leads his team towards the organization's or societal goals.
Eagles Do Not Eat Dead Things
Eagles never consume dead things, but vultures do. Dr. Myles Munroe said that pigeons scavenge on the ground, grumble and complain all day long. Eagles are not. They fly and make less noise waiting for opportunities to strike their next prey.
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Eagles Love the Storm
Eagles are the only birds that love the storm. When all other birds try to flee from the storm and hide its fierceness, eagles fly into it and use the wind of the storm to rise higher in a matter of seconds. They use the pressure of the storm to glide higher without having to use their own energy. Like an eagle, a leader can only rise to greater heights if he or she takes up challenges without running away from them.
Eagles Test before Trusting
The female eagle during courtship always takes a male eagle into the air after picking up a twig from the ground and dropping it from a certain height for the male to chase it. Once the male catches hold of it and brings it back, the female flies into a higher altitude and drops it in the same way. This is repeated until the female gets an assurance that the male has mastered the art of seriously picking up the twig in real love and affection. Once they get hooked up in trust, the father and the mother eagle mate for life. They also work together as parents.
Eagles Retire Until New Feathers Grow
When eagles get older and weak because of worn out feathers, which slow down flight speed and maneuvers, the eagles retire away in the rocks and will pluck all their old feathers until it is completely bare. It waits until a new set of feather grows and comes out of its body. It stays in the hiding place until all the new feathers comes back to make it fly dynamically and royally again without much effort or toil. This happens at about the age of 30. Do you need to improve on certain areas in your life as a leader? Great leaders are the ones that always do ''checks and balances'' of their personal and professional lives and make an effort to learn new things on daily basis.
These are highly effective habits of Eagles. May we all live royally as eagles and be ready to face challenges.
Thanks for reading.
Very nice read.