Many people think that humans are the only beings that know how to be masters of disguise, but this is far from the truth. There are many members of the animal world that have perfected the art of lying to other organisms in their quest to survive. These amazing animals have adapted themselves to the challenges that they face on a daily basis and they have crafted ingenuous ways of fooling their attackers and luring their prey.
- Blue Jay
Birds are among the most brilliant liars in nature. Let's start with Blue Jay. The Blue Jay is a very abundant bird in the eastern half of the United States of America and Canada up to the Gulf of Mexico, and is considered a species of crows and is considered a bold bird that has a strong throat loud and sharp.
How does the blue Jay lie?
Traditionally Falcon Sound! With long screams that can not be separated from the real falcon's sound, makes its false sound to disperse other birds like doves, and grab their food, especially in the gardens where visitors flock to feed birds. So the Blue Jay ensures a free meal without a partner with a simple lie that does not harm anyone!
- Cowbird :
The Brown-headed Cowbird is a stocky blackbird with a fascinating approach to raising its young. Females forgo building nests and instead put all their energy into producing eggs, sometimes more than three dozen a summer. These they lay in the nests of other birds, abandoning their young to foster parents, usually at the expense of at least some of the host’s own chicks. Once confined to the open grasslands of middle North America, cowbirds have surged in numbers and range as humans built towns and cleared woods.
- Eastern Gray Squirre :
For all of us, the squirrels are small, nice animals, and they are as well as we used to be in the animated films of Walt Disney. Let the feelings of farmers towards it as a rodent harmful to the pest closer to their fruits on trees.
Among the squirrels of various species, there is the eastern gray squirrel that exists in North America and is known for its deceit and permanent deceit. Where the gray squirrel assigns the ceremonial to store his food in the dry land to restore it when needed; and when he does, he hides the fruit in his mouth and pretends to bury it in more than one hole before putting it in one of them! It is a method of deceiving any of the other squirrels who might watch what he does. This will end up with a changer into an empty hole.
Is this enough? Of course, the eastern gray squirrel does another trick by burying its precious fruit in a hole, then dipping into another empty hole, covering it with paper and over-disguising it to deceive those who watch it or even find it as a good bunker. You wonder if this is a lie ?! Of course he lies ... lying to the potential thief!
- Cuttlefish :
Cuttlefish is a group of predatory molluscs that feed on small fish and crustaceans; most often, one of them has been taken as a sibling one day in a soup at some time. But how can this gentle, tasteful organism lie when it appears to be brainless? In fact he is a very skillful liar and he does this in the worst possible way!
The first is to escape the harassment and attack of the dominant male stronger, and the second is to get a chance to vaccinate the eggs of other females!
Imagine with me the following scene: there are thousands of small eggs piled up waiting for pollination, and there is the strong male guarded in preparation for the vaccination by publishing it. A female is approaching a small squid spotted from the eggs, so the male does not care for it; it is a heinous mistake that the male will soon discover as soon as the female leaves like lightning and spreads a cloud of sperm over the eggs! This was an infiltrating male!
Australian squid does this trick with absolute skill, so that he can divide his appearance halves, one for a female and the other for a male to deceive a male and female on the sides, so that it appears as a male to his right and a female to the male on his left! This is a different level of lying as you see!
- Firefly :
Fireflies are an insect belonging to the family of beetle sheaths, which are characterized by the phenomenon of cold light, which is caused by the interaction of the enzyme and dye for the belly of this amazing insect, to flash the light of phosphorescence is 100% light energy and zero temperature! Any physicist, but this simple insect do it all the time without bothering. Of course we know that if this light contains any temperature, no matter how small the body of the insect is burned and died.
Fireflies resort to emitting this light for different reasons and different forms closer to the signals. Among the reasons used by female larvae specifically is to attract a potential partner to mate, or so lie at times! When needed, the female imitates the light signals of other smaller species of fireflies to attract their male charms. Thus males believe that they are just another female of their faction invites them to mate, and only notice the illusion between the jaw of the female false lethal, which devours them alive without mercy!
- The Atlantic Molly :
Finally, there is the fish called the Atlantic Molly , which is a common fish and very common in American waters. Only there is their behavior which makes them unusual at all.
In the mating season, males resort to a very cunning trick to win the most attractive females by competing among themselves for the less attractive females who are close to the most attractive ones! Yes, male lies to stimulate female jealousy and push her to feel threatened for fear of wasting her chances of mating and vaccinating eggs! Let me tell you that this trick always pays off who would have believed that the fish had developed a sense of jealousy to have besides lying and synthesizing feelings as well!
After what all we have read is lying (in animal world) instinct or is the result of interaction with others ?
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